Friday, June 17, 2011

When It's Time to Change, You've Got to Rearrange

Does anyone remember that song from "The Brady Bunch" ? The kids wanted to audition for a radio song by singing something together. But there was problem; Peter was going through puberty and his voice was changing. The change was embarrassing because his voice would crack mid-song . The solution to the embarrassment was to change songs, and they actually wrote a new song for the audition. Rather than fear the hormonal change, they emphasized it with spunk and humor.

The only lyrics that stick with me from their song are these:

"When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange."

Every time they said "change," Peter's voice would crack. (A little too predictably, but hey, it's television. Creative licensing at its best. Or not.) It made for another episode of can't-get-enough-of-the Bradys for this Greg-smitten girl.

At this juncture of my life, my "voice" is cracking, too. The way life's always been is about to change. We will be parents-of-the-groom in the spring, both vehicles (mine and my hubby's) have about 112,000 miles on them, the mold-ridden master bathroom must be remodeled for health's sake not vanity's (although we are getting a new vanity, tee hee), and our youngest son will most likely be attending a private Christian school in the fall. Oh, and yes, we want to go to Italy for our 25th. I think I've mentioned that a time or two! And we want to do something substantial for my parents' 50th.

Like my husband, I see a whole bunch of dollar signs.


If we are to continue with our goal to live within our means, then I have to start supplementing the income. And to be honest, I am ready. I am ready for change, to get out of the house more, be in a social environment, find work that I pray is fulfilling, not just "a job," and still be able to care for my home a few days a week. (I do like being at home, and I'm not a "career-minded individual" by any means. I just want to be busier enriching other people's lives, and contribute to the family coffers now that it wouldn't mean neglecting children's needs.)

That is not the only change for which we are about to rearrange. I want to start now by giving up some computer time for higher priorities. I haven't been doing a good job of homemaking lately. I haven't gotten in better shape physically. I haven't gotten involved in serving outside my home except for Sunday School once a month and the occasional meal taken to a sick person's family or to help someone out with child care. (My parents thus far have been self-sustaining, running each other to the doctor and skipping about town...well, as much as two arthritic seventy-somethings can skip.) In short, life has been too comfortable and it has proven detrimental. This "comfort" has added to, not relieved, depression. Isolation is not good.

So for the coming several weeks, I'm rearranging my priorities. A little experiment, you could say.

I want to
-do more fun things with my nine-year-old
- tackle the nagging jobs of cleaning and organizing around the house
-scrapbook some more
-find the fixtures, paint, tile, etc, for the bathroom job
-meet with friends face-to-face, on purpose, for girl-time
-concentrate on the being the kind of wife I'd want to be married to if I were him
-look for meaningful work for the new school year
-exercise 4x/week for starters and eat better
-spend time in prayer and Bible study, not just "devotions"
-limit blogging to 2 days/week, Facebook just 30 minutes a day (yes, computer time has been in control of me, not the other way around, and that form of "socializing" is not healthy) voice cracks now.

Sing with me, Cindy, Marsha, Jan..

When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange.




  1. I definitely remember that song. Although I'm not about to have older children leave the nest, I have been identifying with you these past few personal posts. Its like we have gotten our identity from activity (in my case volunteering projects) and when that activity or part of our life ends we don't know who we are. With the exception of me having a job already, my list is almost word for word yours. Keeping you in my prayers as we take one day at a time. Pick some concrete activities on that list you can do each day and you will begin to see the new habits of life forming. Love you!

  2. Nine year olds are some of my favorite people - well worth rearranging to spend more time with them!

    Change is always a bit overwhelming, but it sounds like you are ready to face them. I pray you will find work you love that will fit your schedule.

  3. Oh yeah, I totally remember that song (my crush was on Peter). It well illustrates the sort of pivotal time you are experiencing.
    I like your list! Organizing at home, not that I'm much good at it, really does go a long way toward easing stress if you work outside the home.
    Hoping you'll still have time for Company Girl Coffee,

  4. Reading the list was exhausting in itself. But, you are right about change. It is inevitable, and working with it is something learned.

  5. We all seem to go thru seasons of our lives that require us to step up to the plate and stop wishy-washing around...sounds like you've made the first step, which is huge...go for it..I hope you find the job that meets your requirements.

  6. My heart lurches in a cheer for change! Rearranging can be so good... and hard. Step by step as God leads, all for His good pleasure, dear Zoanna! I'm encouraged by your list! It seems to add momentum to a yearning for order and discipline and purpose. Lately I seem to sing, "Oh where oh where has my little list gone? Oh where, oh where can it be?"
    Keep hold of that list, but let God direct the fine details!

  7. Good luck with your goals...think of all you'll have to blog about two days a week when you tackle your list!

    Enjoy your day!


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