Friday, July 01, 2011

Need Supernatural Power to Overcome Natural Procrastination

Okay, so once again I've gotten my bowels in a bind from procrastinating. (I've actually been working on my resume' and cover letter which took a lot longer than I anticipated, but it's finished and submitted!)

Did I mention we're having a little ole' family reunion right here at our place next Saturday? Well, that sounds like I have time to get things in order, but our house guests (relatives from Ohio) are landing here I think on Wednesday.

I don't know about you, but I tend to think I have WAY more time than I actually do. In addition to the things that never quit--laundry, dishes, and meal-making, I also have a nifty little list of Things to Do in 4 Days:

Repaint son's room
Finish painting lamps
Clean house top to bottom
Clear junky stuff off patio and deck
Paint porch
Weed gardens
Plant more colorful flowers on deck (I'm thinking photo ops)
Bathe the dog
Lose 82 pounds
Get a haircut
Get a mani/pedi
Make curtains for family room
Make pillows for sofa
Grocery shop

Think it's doable? Me neither. I think my priorities are food, hair, hands, and feet. My gnomes can handle the rest, right? Oh, wait. They said the 4th of July starts today and they've got plans to take off. And none of them goes by the name Jillian Michaels.

God, give me the grace to do what I should've started 3 weeks ago.


  1. That sounds like me! Good luck on allll of it!

  2. I can totally relate. I'm a procrastinator from way back--and unfortunately, so is my husband! We are NOT good for each other in that regard.

    Blessings...and have a wonderful 4th,

    Cindy @ Notes in the Key of Life


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