Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Hodgepodge: Lyrics, Jerks, and Hotties

It's Wednesday again, and time for my favorite meme. Thanks, Joyce, for generating great questions each week. Although, did you realize there are no food questions this time? We foodies notice stuff that that.

Remember, readers, you can join in, too. Come on, the water's clean and the people are friendly at this pool. All you's gots to do is read my answers, then hop over to Joyce's and link up there. The questions are actually posted on her site on Tuesdays, so it's easy to cut-and-paste to your blog. I mean it when I say I'd love to read your answers. Or at the very least, your comments!

1. Share a favorite song lyric.
I better not see 'I can't think of one' on anybody's paper. That's an automatic F in the Wednesday Hodgepodge you know.

Just one? I love lyrics and could write a whole list of favorites, but I'll save them for a whole 'nother post. I'd have to say that it's mighty hard to beat the words of the old hymnwriters who so eloquently convey biblical truth. Since I often have to fight condemning thoughts, I hold dear these lyrics:

"My sin (oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!), my sin--not in part, but the whole, was nailed to the cross and I bear it no more! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, oh my soul!" --Horatio Spafford, It is Well with my Soul

2. When was the last time someone yelled at you?

Do you mean a loud-volume, full-on yell, or a scolding, or a tone of "I'm irritated with you"? The last one that affected me enough to stick in my memory was this guy on the 4th of July. I was alone with Joel in the van, trying to find a parking place to watch fireworks (my hubby is not a celebrater of much). The show had started early and I was half-distracted by the booms and beauties in the night air whilst meandering nervously through crowded neighborhoods.

I followed a midsize white car in bumper-to-bumper traffic up the hill of a side street that was jam-packed with fellow patriots. But I saw a guy in a Ford F-150 coming DOWN the hill, pull over closer to the opposite curb, and get out for what I thought was a better view of the sky. But no. He proceeded to wave his arms and toss his head about at the white car's driver. In a thick Baltimore accent he starts out with "Hey, buddy, if you doan back down, I can't git frew here, and I was here first." Then he got closer to my vehicle and kept ranting. "Lady, I doan know whatchu and him think you's doin' comin' up iss hill, but if you and him doan back down, I can't git my truck down and I was here first." I wanted to say, "So what? You can't make me ," but actually I was afraid he could make me if push came to shove.

Wisdom prevailed over my tongue. No small miracle there. I started backing down, watching out for cars, motorcycles, strollers, mopeds, bikes, crazy kids and half-looped party-goers. I have a hard enough time keeping my wits about me when I'm going
forward in traffic like that. When I finally let the Mouth and the truck his size squeeze past, I waved (a full wave, not an unChristian salute) I double-parked, opened our candy and drinks, and got out just in time to catch the Grand Finale.

3. Money, fame, happiness...are they mutually exclusive?

For the most part, yes. You can have money but not fame or happiness, although money has been known to bring smiles and ease worries. However, some people become more uptight with more money, or can't handle a lot of money any better than they handle a little money, so disillusionment, fear, and guilt accompany wealth. Fame? I would think there are spurts of happiness in being famous, but the lack of privacy seems to snuff out a lot of happiness for celebrities. I have personally known poor, happy people, and rich, happy people.
The thing they have in common is that they find joy in giving . Whether they give away their only cookie or endow a million to a children's hospital, the happiness is in the giving.

4. What is your favorite dish to prepare for family and friends that doesn't require turning on the stove, oven or an outdoor grill?

Premarital Counseling Cake. Some would call it Ice Cream Cake, but it was such a big hit with an engaged couple we were counseling a few years ago, that they sort of requested it every time they came over. Simply line a pan (8x8 or 9x13) with ice cream sandwiches, spread a layer of your favorite ice cream over that, then a layer of Cool Whip, and then top it off with Hershey's syrup. Cover and freeze till ready to serve. What makes it extra versatile for groups is that you can write a message with chocolate syrup if you use the squeeze bottle kind. Heck , for that matter, write a message to yourself on it and forget family and friends. Just kidding. See the last line of Answer #3, substituting "cake" for "cookie."

5. The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. What is one thing you could do this week to simplify your life? Will you do it?

Hire a maid. No.

6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being 100% and 1 being not at all) how tuned in are you to your country's national political scene?

Ehh--I'd say a 6. The more I know, the more twisted my stomach gets.

7. What are your final parting words to the month of July?

Dear Mr. July,

You took the baton way too fast from little Miss June, but oh how seamless the hand-off (I can tell you've been practicing for years) --then kept running as fast as your 31 legs would carry you. I try not to make comments about appearance, but you were hot. I mean, smokin' ! Only the grill could compete with your hotness. Of course when you're hot, you attract a lot of fans. And air conditioners.

I played hard-to-get around you, preferring to chill inside with my smoothie operator. Thanks for bringing a crowd, though .It was great to have a family reunion as you rounded the 1/4-mile marker. And thanks for the ripe peaches at the end. The cobbler was pretty good, but I wish I'd made a dreamy, flaky pie from the bounty you delivered. Goodbye again, July.
Thanks for being part of the 12-person relay team. Now that you've passed the baton to Mr. August, can I be honest? I like him better. He's hotter than you and he brings me birthday presents!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

For a blog about some truly happy, but poverty-stricken kids and my friends Bonnie and McKenzie who have ministered the love of Jesus Christ to them in Zambia, check out these blogs;

Both young ladies are from my church; Bonnie left in November and has now applied for a 3-year visa. McKenzie left in June for 5 weeks. McKenzie will be home tomorrow, and Bonnie is coming back in November for a couple months with her roommate , Lord willing, who has no other family except Bonnie. Let your heart be warmed as you read real-life accounts from people I know and love.


  1. Okay now, technically #4 was a food question : )
    I love your ode to July!

  2. OH, Joyce, you're right. My bad. I guess I was thinking of the food choices, like "yogurt, cereal, or pancakes for breakfast--pick one."

  3. Love your letter to Mr. July! And a maid....if only.

  4. LOVE your #5 and your #7 is SO clever!

    "Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
    It is well, it is well, with my soul."

  5. I think that being yelled at in traffic has to be one of the worst ways to have your day spoiled. People are just plain old mean out on the asphalt!!! Oy!

  6. I don't handle heavy traffic and tight squeezes well at all :/ Glad you made it through!

  7. Thanks for your helpful comment on my blog today :) How did you find out you are an Autumn? Interesting.
    I enjoyed reading your Hodgepodge post. I was singing along with you on number 1!


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