Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hodgepodge Wednesday on Thursday with Sand Between my Toes

I'm gonna "wave" hello to the Hodgepodge host, Joyce, from the comfort of a beachside condo. Yes, I'm on vacation, and yes I'm a day late with these answers, but I have time on my hands, people. Traveling with mostly college kids does have its benefits. So, let's see what this week's Hodgepodge contains, in addition to sunshine and waves.

1. If you could work for any one government agency which would you choose and why? (if you're in the US here's a helpful list)

I had time to think about this, and in fact, called my powerful imagination into play and changed my name to Pollyanna for the duration of my answer to the question.

I would work for the Department of Motor Vehicles. Why? Because I would turn it into a place where people want to go, not a place they dread. I would set up the place with a hair salon and make-up booth so that people would never look ugly on their driver's license. I would also have movie stations : one for action-adventures, one for chick flicks, and one for kids. If you come in on your birthday, you'd get free cotton candy. There'd be a mini-library of donated books so you could take your read with you if you didn't finish while waiting to renew your tags. Currently most of us can read an entire shelf's worth while we're there. I might add animal balloons to the fun for the kids.

2. How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize?

Very hard. I don't let go of hurts easily, but if someone shows remorse it helps me along a lot sooner.

3. What is your favorite meatless supper?

Stuffed shells.

4. Wednesday August 10th is National Lazy Day...will you be celebrating? If so, tell us how so we can be lazy too.

I was playing in an oceanfront pool for several hours, then I ate grilled cheese, took a nap, and went out to a lovely dinner with the family, came back and watched "Soul Surfer." Today I spent a couple hours in the Lazy River. Is that lazy enough for ya?

5. As a child did you have any special back to school traditions and if so, what were they? If you're a parent did you carry on those traditions with your own children?

My mom took us shopping for a few new dresses (we went to Christian school where there were no pants allowed and not a uniform). One year I was put in charge of the shopping bag containing sixty bucks worth of new clothes. I absent-mindedly set it down and it got stolen. Read my lips: No new dresses for us that year.

As for traditions with my kids, we homeschooled (the older boys through 12th and 11th grades, respectively, our girl all the way through) so they didn't get school clothes . I made a tradition of photographing them on the first day of each new year. Each child "got to" ("had to"?) hold up their favorite new book for the shot. I don't know who felt more tortured--me or them, but I will carry on traditions long after they cease to be fun. L'chaim!

6. Write a summer tongue twister.
Buxom bronze broads in bikinis beckon and beguile bowlegged boys on beaches and boardwalks.

7. Would you be interested in observing a surgery or do you turn away when the nurse brings out the needle?

Yes, I could handle it, but only if I turned my head for the initial cut. I can't understand how one human can cut another. I actually once watched a doctor put 27 stitches in my son's leg in the ER. (Ben fell out of a tree and landed on thin plywood which broke in half and ripped his upper thigh open.) I asked the doc as I look on, "What's that white bulbous stuff?" and he said, "fat tissue." Oh. Ew .That jagged piece of plywood sure cut in deep! But I was fascinated. My boy was on the verge of fainting, but I was okay.

Speaking of surgeries and "Soul Surfer," did any of you notice something really odd about the scene in which Bethany's dad was in surgery for a knee replacement? The doctor is about to cut into the patient (no nursing staff around, just the surgeon, but that's not the oddest part) . Suddenly a frantic nurse barges through the OR door. She says ,"Doctor, we need this room STAT! A teenage girl is coming in . Shark attack!" and the patient--Bethany's dad--sits up and says, "Who is it?" My observant husband said, "What? No anesthesia for a knee replacement surgery?"

We had a good laugh about that .

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My daughter's compassion moved me last night . Paul treated us to a swanky-but-underpatronized restaurant, and he was carrying a hefty Restaurant dot com coupon, of course. Sarah observed that our waitress was probably a single mom (she had three kids and no wedding ring). When she urged her dad to tip her extra well, he had already signed for the bill. But after hearing his daughter's perspective, he tucked some additional cash in with the credit card slip on the way out. Sarah clucked her "I'm proud of you" cluck and said, "See, Dad. Underneath all that frugality is a generous heart." He just smiled.


  1. Zo- Just gotta say that I am enjoying your writings! I am never sure how to comment when these Hodgepodges go so many directions, but each one is thought provoking and fun! I'm so glad you are enjoying some vacation time! Blessings!

  2. A beach vacation sods lovely right about now. It has been quite a week here. Enjoy!

  3. My hubby and daughter read Soul Surfer together this summer and told me the dad was actually already under anesthesia when that all took place and could not go to be with the family for quite a while. He had his surgery done at a later date. Such an inspiring story for my daughter to read.


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