Monday, August 22, 2011

Job Offer

Much has transpired since Thursday of last week. I got a call from the principal of my youngest child's new school. (The school is brand new, opening in just over two weeks! It's a Christian school we are really excited about.) Before you start thinking it's bad news to get a call from the principal's office before the first day of school, let me explain. It's not about my child.

The principal offered "good news and not-so-good news." The good news is, I can teach any art class(es) I want from 1st-8th grade. The not-s0-good news is that they can't afford to pay me yet. Funds are too tight, but when the funds become available, I would get first crack at the paid position. She asked me to think and pray about it, talk it over with my husband; I agreed and said in the interest of time, I'd let her know Monday (today), knowing that we'd need to get the proverbial ball rolling with plans. I was so excited just thinking about teaching again!

My husband said it's okay with him, provided I don't spend "an inordinate amount of time preparing" every week. He knows my tendency to throw myself headlong into things I love but which don't pay a cent! At this point, I need to earn some common cents to help pay the tuition (still have two kids in college as well).

I am drawn to grades 4 through 6, since that's where my art and history experience lies. As for content, I am more drawn to what's being taught in 7th and 8th (survey of American history).In teaching the classical model, my lessons will correspond to the students' history classes. As for being able to familiarize myself with my son's class, I could teach 4th. But the boy said, "Nah, that'd be too much like homeschool." Hmph.

If you're the praying kind reading this, would you mind giving me feedback? I am gleaning wisdom , insight, and prayer from every source possible.

The other job possibility I've looked into is doing non-medical, in-home senior care. I've always loved spending time with the elderly. Last night I submitted an application and cover letter to a local company offering jobs like this. In my letter, I described the ideal job for me: doing art at home with seniors! Nothing like being specific, huh? Hey, at my age, I have pretty much figured out who I am, what I enjoy, what I have to offer, and what I stink at. I don't have to bring in big bucks, just consistent ones with a good attitude. I probably don't have enough years left in me to waste on joyless pursuits.

That's the microcosmic news from Lake Zobegone.


  1. "I don't have to bring in big bucks, just consistent ones with a good attitude."
    I'm not sure how to pray... Do you want the bucks to have a good attitude, Yourself to have a good attitude or the Ones You Teach to have a good attitude? Anyway- How bout all of the above having a good attitude and less cheekiness from a soon-to-be senior commenter! ;)

    "Lake Zobegone"! (I love it!!)

    II do wish money wouldn't always butt in and make itself an issue!!!

    Anyway- I love the idea of teaching art to seniors! Wow! What a joyous work this could be! It may not be perceived as a need, but I think it may be more of a need (and ministry opportunity) than we realize... I'm amped about the possibilities!
    On the other hand, teaching at Joel's school could be fun and maybe work into something with monetary benefits, though I'd be unsure of beginning teaching without some tighter agreement for a future job placement.

    All that said, I continue to pray for God's wisdom.

  2. I would think that if you taught art to American Seniors, your love of US history may be stoked also!

  3. Laurie, I guess my grammar needs some help! Bucks have no attitude; they just seem to stir up ones in us. I personally have never been one to be enticed by big bucks. I would much rather love my job, whether it pays or not. Good thing I'm not the family breadwinner or we'd be broke.

    I definitely want a good attitude from myself and students:) .

    I love the idea of teaching art to seniors in home. To me it's a win-win-win-win combo. 1. They get to dabble in art which might stimulate their minds and hearts and conversation. 2. The family members might get keepsakes out of it. 3. I would get paid to do something I love. 4. I would learn more oral history than ever by listening to them.

    The principal has given me her word that, if all is working out well, that they would offer me money to teach when it becomes available. I'm pretty confident that could happen.

  4. praying for wisdom. both options sound perfect for you, Zo.

  5. I'll be praying for wisdom for you!

  6. "Lake Zobegone". ;)

    If you are going to be getting a paid position somewhere other than the school, I would think choosing the class that requires the least amount of prep. time would be best given you will be unavailable other times throughout the week for that paid position. So, I guess that would be the 7th/8th graders, right?! Just my 2 cents...and I will/have been praying.

  7. I just think that it's amazing what has transpired this year with Joel's new school. What a miracle. In no time there will be money to pay you for teaching art, I just know it!


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