Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurried, Unedited Pre-Hurricane Post

Yesterday was my birthday and it was lovely. I'll blog about it later. Most of the day I was prepping for Hurricane Irene. I don'[t think it will have a great effect, and I'm tempted to be one of the wait-and-see people, but I keep thinking of the proverbs which say things, essentially like "a lazy man sees a lion in the streets and says there's a lion in the street!' (but does nothing about it) or a man who turns on his bed like a door on his hinges. I want to be able to hunker down in the interior of the basement (we have a drum room completely enclosed, no windows or doors, if we have windows we think would shatter by blowing debris).

Just to update my non-Facebook friends who might happen to read this and wonder how we're faring here in Maryland.

Thus far, fine. It's calm right now. BGE crews have already called in crews from other states so that in case of power outages, they can restore it quicky. We have brought in the patio chairs into the garage and have things in the house to eat. I made bread and dinner this morning since the stove would be nonfunctional , obviously, if we lost power. Raw eggs don't do ya much good, either, so I combined them with overripe bananas. Found out our dog is scared of the bread machine. I guess it makes a faint barking sound and then knocks if there's not enough liquid. He was barking, growling, and hiding between me and other counter. Silly dog.

The cars have been gassed up and we have a few batteries for flashlights. Not many, but if we can find some more in stores, we might. I'm not worried about that. We have candles and matches for light.

I'm going to the funeral of a believer this morning and I'm sure that will put things in perspective once again. A godly elderly man who lost his wife a year ago has now gone to be with the Lord--and her.


  1. Hope you are safe! we have family in Maryland, and they are preparing as well!

  2. We need a report. How is all in your household? I pray all is well and the aftermath is not difficult for you.

  3. Hope you guys made out okay...some of our Maryland friends are still without power. I hope you're not one of them : )

    I'm all for preparedness but I have to say that a reporter standing on a sunny NYC street five days before the storm talking impending doom does set my nerves on edge.

  4. How WOW!
    May God give you and your family His peace and protection!


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