Friday, September 09, 2011

Crushing Sadness

I wish I could talk about it, but I can't. Let's just say I'm grieving but no one has died. I'm grieving the loss of something I wish I had , a few somethings actually. All I feel is a crushing sadness, like a slab of cement sitting on my chest. Will it ever lift? Will I rise again? Will I experience what some other people take for granted, in a good way? How long, O Lord? How long? Can I please get a picture of my life without this pain? This grief? I can't remember the last time I felt really happy, really light, really free.


  1. I'm praying for you, dear Zoanna...
    I hope you don't mind this song again?
    It has been a comfort to me. May it speak of Christ, our life and encouragement to you too!

  2. I'm praying for you, too, Zo. Sorry you are in such pain.

  3. Oh, Zo, I hurt for you and pray that our God will bring His comfort and peace into your heart and life soon. I've felt such sadness these past 3 months and I know if it had not been for others interceding for me, I would have never survived. May you feel the intercession of others on your behalf at this difficult time. Sending you a big hug this Lord's Day!


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