Friday, September 02, 2011

Seven Snippets

Just a few odds 'n ends to blog about today.

1. I borrowed this cartoon from another blog. It made me honk like a goose.

2. Not sure why Blogger isn't making this picture "large" when I ask, but you can upsize it several times by hitting "Control +++". Joel drew it two days ago. Reilly was holding a tennis ball in his mouth while he posed. He inherited artistic talent from his dad and his dad's mom, whose birthday it would have been the very day Joel drew it. She would have been so pleased to see this drawing. It would have been a birthday gift to her, I'm sure.

3. Still looking for a job. My hubby semi-chuckles at my criteria: 1) something creative 2)working with people I like 3) no math involved 4) not standing on a hard floor more than an hour 5) not more than 2 days a week 6) no weekends 7) no dress code or uniform 8) between 10 a.m. and 2 pm 9) benefits 10) within 10 miles of home 11) something I like.
He said, "It's a job, Zo. You don't have to like it." Really? I guess I don't really want a job-job, more like pay-me-to-have-fun.

4. I placed the art class order last night. Getting paid by the hour to do THAT would be fun! It took 4 hours to decide on 12 items. Isn't it always harder to work with a skeleton budget?

5. My daughter finished her first week of student teaching today. It started two days late because Hurricane Irene took out power to many schools in the area.

6. Will I able to start and finish some curtains I'm making for the basement by September 4th? Ben is having a Fantasy Football Draft Party here that night. The curtains will be a nod to the Ravens. Can you guess the four colors I plan to use?

7. My daughter has lost 18 pounds in 5 weeks. It took me 5 MONTHS to do that on Weight Watchers. I want to blame it on being twice her age. But really it's the ice cream instead of spinach smoothies. So proud of her. When she puts her mind to something, ain't no stopping her.


  1. Yea, for your daughter and her weight loss. Always enjoy your entries, they bring a smile to my face. Blessings for a beautiful week!

  2. Oh I love that cartoon. I'm going to find it and blow it up and give it to my husband. He will get it : )


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