Tuesday, October 11, 2011

She Combs His Hair

I took this shot of my parents, probably 12-13 years ago when we were passing the camera around on the lawn at their old place.

Mama had taken a look at Daddy and noticed a hair or two out of place. He pulled out his trusty comb, handed it to her, and said, "Make me handsome, Brenda."

She replied, "Well, God made you handsome, honey, but I am keeping you that way!"


  1. I love it! And the smiles! It seems God gave you their smiles!
    It makes me want to round up photos from my folks 50th, but I don't seem to have the energy or heart these days, but I do remember their 50th anniversary! My brothers and I had given them a surprise 40th Anniversary party on their 40th, so Mom let us know how much they appreciated it all (It was so FUN to surprise them big time!!!) so they only wanted a small family gathering for their 50th (Whew!) I know just a bit of all that goes into the party. You're on my mind. I'm praying for you (your nerves) and that God would give you His peace and calmness and JOY as you celebrate your parents!

    Great photograph of your folks!!

  2. What a wonderful memory you have there! Such sweet love.

  3. oh my word, I love it. :) that last line is priceless!


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