Monday, October 31, 2011

Spent and Happy

Well, it's over. It's over and it was wonderful. The big 50th wedding anniversary bash that has consumed my every waking (and sometimes sleeping) hours, has come and gone . It was beautiful, everything my parents hoped for and then some. ("Some" surprises, too, like SNOW. In October, in Maryland, where pumpkins are supposed to be orange, not white!)

I will have pictures up soon. Right now I am spent in every way--physically, mentally, and financially! But oh so happy. I can't believe the time went so fast. Well, yes I can. Life moves at the speed of light when you're enjoying yourself. God anointed the time with His grace. I will say more about that later, but I must give Him the praise for orchestrating all things great and small to make the event something that rivals gold.

For now, I am going to take a much-needed nap. I wish I were on a beach in Belize, but that's another post for another day. Happy Halloween and for those up north, enjoy the great "meltdown."


  1. So glad the day was a success-snow or no snow!

  2. Aw, I'm glad it went well. 50 years is something to celebrate! Have a good nap.

  3. This will make for many family stories. The young folk will look back and remember when this wonderful couple celebrated 50 years. They will wonder how in the world they did it.

  4. Oh, don't you just love it when everything comes together beautifully after you have worked your "buns" off. I look forward to seeing pictures when you have recovered. Rest up and enjoy knowing it was a success! Blessings!

  5. I'm so glad it was a wonderful time for you. Can't wait to read more about it as the blogs unfold. Yes, I'm way behind in my blog reading.


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