Thursday, November 17, 2011

Yo Yo Week

Up: Joel loves school and is diligent in his work.
Down? He's had to miss two days because of early pneumonia.
Up: Sarah is getting a new (to her) car today.
Down: because her convertible is no longer practical and is costing more to repair.
Up: Steve has gained compassion for students who study really hard but still don't grasp the material in a class.
Down: His GPA.
Up: Ben's spirits because he's getting his passport for the honeymoon.
Down: The wedding is still almost four months away and he can hardly wait.
Up: The temperature earlier this week, and leaves on trees.
Down: The temperature today, and leaves off trees.
Up: My mood.
Down: My weight. Just a little, but still I'll rejoice, okay?
Up: My parents' thumbs to the invitation to Grandparents' Day at school tomorrow.
Down: Nothing about that unless they end up unable to come.
Up: The new car should pass inspection.
Down: I have to go to the DMV for tags.

I would guess you're having your own ups and downs this week, huh? What are they?


  1. Oh, yes. You nailed it.

    Thanksgiving is coming, but
    my mother-in-law had to have emergency surgery. She is better, BUT will need all the care we can give her. There are five sibling in the family, BUT there are two available for the next two weeks to care for her...BUT praise GOD! We are beloved.

  2. Up:my headache is gone and I can get off the couch
    Down: everything I just left yesterday while I was on the couch now needs to be done.
    Hope the DMV is quick and painless. :)

  3. How cute is this post! I love it and heaven knows I could certainly do an "up and down post." You are always so creative and I always smile when I stop by.

  4. We've had some fairly sizable downs this week but I try to always find the up in life. Sometimes we have to look really hard. God is good...there are days it helps just to repeat that over and over a few times or a hundred.

    Have a great weekend-loved this clever post.

  5. I remember when Yo Yo tricks were so cool (you know, before computer "tricks"!) and often a Yo Yo Pro would be traveling through our area gathering a crowd in some gym or parking lot impressing us all with cool tricks and happily "fitting" Yo Yo buyers with the perfect Yo Yo best suited for tricks! ("Step aside and get in line! My friendly assistant will be happy to sell you the perfect Yo Yo!")"
    Those were the days!
    That was very "Up".
    The tricks were harder than they looked!
    I pray you'd be blessed with clappable Yo Yo tricks soon and that in this case, what goes 'down' will come 'UP' !
    (God is a Master at Yo Yo! All for our good and His glory!)

    Up: My mood.
    Down: My theology? "God a Master at Yo Yo"?
    (I'm not gonna spend much energy trying to develop the Yo Yo Factor and God, but He IS the MASTER of everything!)


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