Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Hodgepodge: Stink, Stank, Stunk

The Hodgepodge Party continues, thanks to Joyce! Like a Marine, semper fi!

1. Will you be hosting any house guests between now and the end of December? Does that thought make you happy or crazy? Do you do anything special for your guests to make them feel at home? How long should a house guest stay?

Yes, I'll be hosting a house guest, but I hesitate to call her one. She is hardly a guest anymore. She is practically family, my darling future daughter-in-love, Dee. She comes down from NJ every other weekend to visit "her man" and has to put up with the other five of us in exchange for a mattress. There's a trade-off to everything, I guess. I love having her here. She makes good conversation, plays board games with Joel, tolerates the dog, and knows what I like gift-wise. She is also so small she doesn't require her own chair in the family room. She prefers Ben's lap, and he doesn't seem to mind, from what I can tell.
I try to make all my guests feel at home by making sure they have clean sheets and towels, hot or cold beverages that I know they prefer, and at this time of year, blankets within easy reach for curling up on the couch, chairs, bed, or wherever. But sometimes I get in a mood and then they REALLY feel at home, because I know everyone has moods like that in their home!

How long should a house guest stay?

I will have to quote Mark Twain on this one. "Fish and house guests stink after three days."

2. Walter Elias Disney was born this week (December 5) back in 1905 ...what's your all time favorite Disney movie? Here's a list in case you're struggling...and yes, you have to pick one.

Wow, that's quite a list you linked to. Who knew there were so many low-budget ones --most I've never even heard of. I'm going between The Lion King and Toy Story. Since I have to pick one, I'm going to go with The Lion King. So many memorable characters, scenes, and lines, and music.

I crack up when I hear the lyrics in the scene where Timon and the young warthog, Pumbaa, are singing "Hakuna Matata": Timon says of Pumbaa, "He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal. He could clear the savannah after every meal," and then Pumbaa replies to the effect "and I felt downhearted every time that I -----" .

Timon: "Not in front of the kids!"

3. What was the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact?

Not sure the last thing, but I can speak for the whole family when I say the perpetual mistake we bought was a kitchen trashcan with a motion-sensor lid. That's right, we were lured by the fact that we could throw away eggshells without touching the lid, and the lid would keep the dog out. We thought it was such a bargain at $29.99, being black and stainless to match our kitchen appliances. Well, let me tell you! It has been nothing but one big irritation day after day for six months! Oh, guests think it's really cool, but they aren't the ones who have to take the trash out. You see, it's "slim" which sounds attractive, but what it really means is everything gets shoved into it and takes two people to get the trash out of it --one person to wrench and wriggle and wrestle the bag out and one person to hold the can down on the floor with a counterforce of 3G's. Seriously, it's ridiculous. Or ridunculous. Why on earth I haven't replaced it until today? I don't know. Guess I hate throwing money away. (Ar, ar.)

Even the dog figured out that putting his nose over the motion sensor was his ticket to garbage glory. The design is seriously flawed and so was our thinking.

4. What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done online?

By "your" shopping ,do you mean what I purchase for other people? If so, then 10% and that would be books. I'm sure my hubby and sons will do more clickety-click of the mouse. I like brick-and-mortar shopping if I have a detailed list, a happy mood, subordinate hair, and a recent paycheck in the bank. Today I was four-for-four!

5. Amaryllis-snowdrop-poinsettia...your favorite winter blossom?

Poinsettias were in my bridal bouquet and decorated the church in which we were married, coming up on 25 silver years in just 22 days.

6. What is one thing on your personal Christmas wish list? I think we all want peace on earth so let's make this answer an actual item.

A red wool coat. I wandered into a consignment shop today and saw one that was absolutely gorgeous, but too small for me. It had an A-line waist, classy covered buttons, and in the back were criss-crossy thingies that made it really eye-catching. It was the prettiest coat I have ever seen in my life. And I've seen my share of pretty ones.

A young woman of petite stature came in fifteen minutes later, tried it on, and wow! It looked amazing on her and I told her she would get a hundred compliments on it. She bought it. Geez, I should get a commission.

7. If you could only use one word today what would it be?


8. Insert your own random thought here.

Please say a prayer for a miraculous healing of a family member (distant nephew by marriage). He fell off a ladder, struck his head on a picnic table, and suffered a life-threatening head injury. It doesn't look good. His name is Chris. Please pray.


  1. Prayers go out for Chris. What a lovely bridal picture. And congrats on the upcoming anniversary.

  2. Happy almost anniversary! I will say a prayer for your nephew. Life is so fragile isn't it?

  3. Your trashcan story made me laugh out loud twice - once when I read it myself and then once when I read it out to the family who were asking what I was laughing at the first time around!!

    Sending prayers to Chris.

    Pam :)

  4. Sending prayers for Chris and the rest of you family! Love your garbage can story :)

  5. A red wool coat! I found one at a thrift shop a few years back. It is midi length, red, wool and has a great "red riding hood"! I like it a lot, buy when I took it in to be dry cleaned, the attendant made a comment assuming tried coat was for a grandma in a nursing home! nI'm still not exactly sure what she meant because I LOVE the coat even though now I feel even older than I am when I wear it- like Red Riding Hood's Granny!
    The trash can cracks me up!
    I love poinsettias!
    I'll pray for Chris...

  6. Yikes on all the typos! Gist of the story is that the dry cleaning lady thought the coat belonged to my Grandma… I don't really know why. It doesn't seem dated to me, but maybe it is!


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