Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Five and Company Girl Coffee

Writing for two memes today, just to be efficient. Or would that be "wordy" and not really efficient?

Five minutes of nonstop writing. Ready, get set, go!

This morning I was taking my boy to school and got to the usual intersection where I make a left turn, with a green arrow. I clearly have the right of way, opposing traffic must wait. They, by law, MUST wait, but twice in the past month or so, a school bus driver has cut me off, jumping in front of me even though he clearly has a red light. I laid on my horn both times (Dec and today) and both times the driver kept going. Mind you it's almost 9 a.m. and everyone is trying to get their kids to school, but darn it, you're responsible for what--60 kids--and I'm responsible for one, but he is the most precious one in this whole scheme if you ask me, which I know you didn't. If I'm turning on green, you hold still, buddy ol boy of a driver. I took down your bus number , it's 383. I would've followed you and shaken my finger and given you a tongue wagging if I hadn't needed to get my kid to school. You kept going to your school just a quarter mile from mine. How dare you be so reckless. I called the school, they said sorry but it's a transportation dept issue, so I called the public school transportation dept and they said Mr So and So who is in charge of that particular school's bus drivers is out of the office. Aren't they always out of the office when you have a complaint? Well, I don't usually go on and on, but twice in a month when you put lives in danger because you're in a hurry and selfish, is just inexcusable. I'm not saying you are the same bus driver as in December, but if that's how you all drive your kids, I'm sure glad my boy isn't isn't on your bus. The end. For now. I've got a number and I plan to use it.

I'm heading off to the vet's for a well visit and a rabies shot (for my dog, not for me personally, in case you're wondering. I'm not THAT mad. I can become rabid-angry and foam at the mouth, but not today.) To link up , see my sidebar for Home Sanctuary. You'll enjoy the Flash story (Flash is Rachel's donkey who teaches life lessons and drops turds like any other animal. ) No time to link to the Friday Five meme URL now. Sorry. My five minutes are UP.


  1. You are something else! I definitely want to say on your "good side." But, I'm with you on the whole bus issue. No excuse for that.

    Hope doggie's vet visit went well. That's a job I leave for Hubby to do, I'm not into carrying our two labs to the vet.

    Happy weekend my friend!

  2. Our sprawling little town has great bus drivers, but I hear you on that red-light issue. Sheesh!

  3. I was just thinking that you needed to call the bus people...and then I saw you did! Hope you can talk to someone, that is scary! I hate hearing about accidents involving school busses and it sounds like one is inevitable!

    Hope you enjoy your weekend...I liked the Flash story, too!

  4. I mean, that just seems SO irresponsible that I'm wondering if he does have a red light and not a blinking yellow. Ya know, like...go if you can kind of thing and he figures people will yield for a big ol' school bus?
    Or Not. And if not, You Go Girl!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Carrie, there is not a blinking yellow. In fact, after I dropped my son off, I retraced the path the bus traveled to make sure I had my facts right. He has a red while the oncoming turn lane has the green arrow. I was the first car in the opposing traffic, too. Maybe he thought I was a lard butt he could beat.

  6. Lea, I don't mind going to the vet at all. Reilly checked out great, thanks.

  7. Years ago when we lived in MD my girls had a bus driver who was quite elderly. They'd been riding the bus for several weeks when one day I had them in the car,we turned a corner and my daughter said, 'That's the sign the bus driver hits every morning when he turns to go to the school.' Huh? Time to retire.

  8. 5 minute post. I should try that sometime. You got a lot in during that time! :)

  9. I've seen some irresponsible bus drivers, too....what could they be thinking? Good for you to call and complain - hope you can get to someone who cares and will do something about it.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Twice now my daughter has been pushed to the side of the road by a bus that thinks he can drive where he wants... I have told my daughter to get the number next time so we can report it. Too many lives are at risk for drivers like that, good for you for persuing it!

  11. That was a fun read! I would be livid too. They have lives they are responsible for, for crying out loud!

  12. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. (I could probably hold that out for 5 minutes! You know what I'm saying!!!!!!


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