Friday, February 24, 2012

Gold or Pearls? I Want Opinions

Company Girls, and anyone else who wants to cast their vote, I am asking a favor.

My turn at being mother-of-the-groom is coming up just two weeks from tomorrow! Wow, does that ever sound close now! Here's what I want your opinion on: what type of necklace I should wear. The two options I think I have it narrowed to are gold (haven't chosen the exact necklace) or a strand of pearls (not chosen, either).

The color dress I'm wearing is deep wine. Think Cabernet Sauvignon. Shoes are champagne. (Sounds like my wardrobe has a drinking problem.) If you have a problem with the booze imagery ,think eggplant, which also aptly describes my shape, but I really don't want anyone to chime in on that part of the post with opinions, thank you very much.

The dress is velvet with a high scoop neck. (Which leads to the question, do you know how hard it was to find a modest formal dress that wasn't overly matronly or frumpy?! I'm sure the groom will thank his mama for covering her tatas.) There is a lace jacket over the dress (long sleeved) , the same cabernet color as the dress.

I will be wearing a pearl ring that my husband gave me for my first Mother's Day. It makes me a bit teary-eyed to write that sentence, considering that on my first Mother's Day, the groom was my first baby, and he was only about 6 and 1/2 weeks old. Now he's 23 and 6 and 1/2 feet tall. My, how time flies.

Why does every topic about the wedding lead my thoughts right back to that one single thought: My, how time flies. ???

Anyhoo, opinions from my cyber friends are appreciated.

I have taken pictures and will try to upload soon. Technical difficulties are hindering my endeavors, but you all are imaginative and can probably advise without photos.


  1. Without seeing it I would say pearls are classier than gold. Gold is cold. But remember I haven't seen it either. I can't wait to though. I'm having a real hard time posting to your comments. This is the 5th time I've tried on this one and the other day I gave up. Not sure if I just can't read those slanted letters or what:)

  2. I would vote for pearls, if they are good enough for the queen mother, then they are good enough for you.

  3. i love pearls. they are so versatile. you could wear them with jeans and a nice blouse, or a formal gown and they look fabulous with both. just a simple strand of pearls.

  4. Velvet Cabernet and champagne with pearls or gold!? I don't know! I think you wear whatever makes you feel the most feminine! Your dress sounds sooo pretty!
    It's wild exciting!

  5. I clicked on your name from your comment on Rachel's post...I tried from the link but it wouldn't go thru...anyways, I think THE PEARLS would look very elegant with the velvet and especially the colour you described. Have a wonderful time at the wedding!

  6. So far it's unanimous. The pearls are in the lead! Thanks for your opinions and the reasons behind them. That always helps. Sorry for those who are having trouble leaving comments. I know that's frustrating. If I have to try to get thru more than twice on someone's blog, I usually give up. Thanks for persevering. I don't know how to simplify things cuz I'm just not a techie. If there's a simple way, please tell me. (I still might not "get" it but it's worth a try.)

  7. The pearls will also contrast a bit more with the, dress. Besides, a gold necklace may have rougher edges or protrusions that could get caught on the lace.

    I have to say, this whole post made me laugh...the parenthetical expressions were like hearing the voice in your head, which sounds suspiciously like mine.

  8. Well, it's pearls for me too, just so classy and ladylike.

    You just tickle me too death in your descriptions.

    I look forward to seeing pics when you can get them posted.

    Happy weekend!

  9. I'm certainly no expert on fashion, but pearls was my choice, too, esp. given your ring. I'm not personally a big fan of gold, I'm sure that's influencing my choice. ;)

  10. Pearls are never wrong : ) I vote pearls for a wedding. Pearls and kleenex. Don't forget those!!

  11. I was thinking pearls before I read all the posts. Pearls definately

  12. i vote for pearls, sounds like they would go really well with the it bad that now I want a glass of wine? Between your posts and Joyces, I really want a steak dinner and a glass of red?
    Can't wait for pics, it all sounds lovely! I used a backdoor link as I couldn't get in on Company girls either...
    Have a wonderful week!

  13. I had decided pearls, too, before reading the other votes. Relax and enjoy the special day....and embrace your new daughter-in-law! Your son will adore you even more...a happy place for a young man when the two women of his life get along. Now go get gussied up!


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