Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Answered Prayer, and More Minor Trials

Joel had an x-ray this morning. Thankfully the collarbone has not displaced or shifted. That's an answer to prayer. The bone is still an upsidedown V and, while the x-ray doesn't show new bone tissue yet, I am convinced it's there. God heals the body when it's resting, and growth hormones kick in while the body sleeps. My faith does not depend on what the x-ray does or doesn't show. Faith is the evidence of things NOT seen, after all.

Just before leaving for the doctor's office, I got a call from Paul. His car died on the way to work. Could I come bail him out? Not soon, I said. I had to be at the doctor in 20 minutes with the boy. Thankfully Paul was sitting in the safety of a gas station with the car, not stranded on the side of a busy highway during rush hour or on a shoulderless road, either of which could have been the case, depending on which choice he could have made when heading out.

So he asked if Steve could get up to help since he's on Spring Break.

It's exactly what every college student wants to hear at 8:30 a.m. I was wanting to spare Steve since he is always our willing "go to" guy, so I was hollering up the stairs to him while he was on the phone, "Tell Dad to call Ben! He's back from honeymoon! " Well, Ben is still on his honeymoon technically, because he is home and not at work. Paul was not about to interrupt the man the first morning back from a tropical island, the first morning waking up with his bride in his new home.

I guess I was not processing all those intimate details while trying to fasten the straps of the arm sling and dealing with a hot flash, lunch bag, and backpack at the same time. Thank God for a sensitive husband and an available son who didn't "cop an attitude" about being interrupted from sleep on spring break. (At least not out loud.) That would have compounded my minor trial.

Another "small trial" I was spared: I didn't want to have to bring up my reservation about radiation with the doctor . Paul told me to tell him we're okay having Joel's shoulder x-rayed every 10 days, but not weekly as the doctor wanted. And make sure the boy's private parts are covered for the x-ray because we do want grandchildren from all of our offspring, Lord willing. (Actually, Paul is okay with every 10 days; I would want not more than every 3 weeks, but I complied.) Thankfully the receptionist told us the doctor is taking off next week for his own kids' spring break so our next appointment will have to be 15 days from now. Those are "little" things I rejoice about.

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