Friday, March 02, 2012

Pre-Wedding Prayer Requests

Dear Christian Fellow Bloggers,

Tomorrow marks one week from The Big Day--our son's wedding. I don't know why I'm on the computer; it's not like I have time for this, but I would appreciate the prayer support as the mother of the groom. Some of you are true intercessors who like to be armed with a specific list of requests, so here you go ...

in no particular order (and please don't judge the "trivial" matters because God knows what is important to us, right?) Just laugh it off if it seems dumb to you.

- Sunshine and about 65 degrees. Some girls will be in strapless gowns, but the guys will be in tuxes and some of us will have jacket options, but the RAIN RUINS a curly gal's attempts to straighten it out a bit w/ no frizz (ie the bride and me and a few of the bridemaids).

- that I won't forget anything important to take w/ me (that which can't be picked up it at a Walgreens in a pinch or something)

- good health, no backaches or foot pain . The day before can be grueling, eh?
-that the groomsmen will be super helpful in escorting my mom up the grand staircase. It's about 20 steps and she doesn't do them well w/ weak ankles and poor eyesight. The bldg is from the late 1700s and has been preserved with NO elevator. The wedding is upstairs and the reception downstairs. Coming down is more scary on wood steps.
-pray I don't fall down the steps either!
-that my dress and everything worn under it (ahem!) will fit well in such a way that I can say later, "Thanks, Spanx!"
-Joel (our ten year old and the ringbearer) will SMILE NATURALLY for the pictures. He is at that age...
-that the groom (our SON) will also SMILE NATURALLY for the shots that he has to pose for.
-comfort for the bride's mom. It's her second twin daughter to get married , and there are no other children, so her nest will be empty and far from her girls (well, 2.5 hrs is far when you're a mom).
-comfort for Dee as she parts from longtime friends in her hometown to move down here where Ben lives and works. Thankfully her twin sisters lives 10 minutes from their apartment.
-that the couple will use the common sense God gave them not to get sunburned on their tropical island honeymoon!!! need I say more?
-that my mascara won't run. I'm hoping the May bell ine Lash Still etto won't run. I've used it boefore and remember it as having staying power.
-no wardrobe malfunctions
-no bodily part malfunctions from youngest to oldest in the audience, including bladder leaks, vomiting, fainting, or IBS drama (sorry if that's too detailed for some of you)
-peace among the people who abstain who might be seated with those who imbibe (alcohol will be minimal as we define minimal, but we have a couple of judgmental teetotalers in the crowd)
-that the couple will feel completely at peace, and also their parents--that the stress will be dissolved and the joy will be evident by 5:30 pm Friday when the rehearsal dinner starts.

Well, I have more of a list in my head, but I have to run and get my hair fixed--literally. I had it cut last week but the back of it on the left is longer than the right. No matter how much I want to believe it isn't so...

Then I have to find pearl earrings to go with the necklace and bracelet I found y'day, then
pick up my son, sew a button on my coat, take it to the cleaners, and babysit at my part time job tonight.

Thanks, folks.


PS No time to edit this today.


  1. Praying for you this week. May you all be blessed with Peace, Comfort and Grace...Enjoy the day!
    (and take lots of pics)

    1. My second son"s girlfriend will be shooting lots of casual pics. Cant wait to show everyone.

  2. I'll be praying for this week, that day, the days after, and for composure to deal with the unexpected! Enjoy and smile a lot!

    1. Composure . My goodness, we have learned to expect the unexpected . In prepping for this wedding, major decisions, not minor ones, have had to be redecided. From photographer to cake decorator to bridal gown alteration deal.

  3. Oh, my Zoanna, you have so much on your mind and I pray that the Lord will just fill you with His peace. And, that it will be a day to remember forever. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks. I wish i had tremendous organizational skill like you do!

  4. It's almost here! Keep breathing! Keep trusting God as you go step-by-step in an "attitude of prayer"!
    I will pray to the God of all comfort (and Master of details)! Remember: God knew about this wedding even before we were born! Take joy in His plan! Trust His grace!

    You are a beautiful mother of the groom! I ask God to give you joy and peace and soundness of mind in these last days before the wedding and on the day of!!

    1. I needed the reminder that God knew about this wedding before we were born. I have been been praying for a godly wife for Ben since he was three. That prayer has been answered! ! So why fret over the logistics? Soundness of mind...boy I need that or else soundness of mouth takes over!

  5. Praying God meet every listed request and any you may have forgotten! Look forward to hearing how the wedding goes, especially the way you tell it!

    1. Thank you, Brenda. My kids tell me that my version of the stories are never quite the way it really happened, that truth and imagination gets mixed up and sealed in my memory so the telling is embellished. I disagree, of course. ;)

  6. Praying for your list as I read through it! God's got it. Also praying you can put it all in His hands and enjoy the wedding, oopses and all. Blessings!

    1. Thanks. The oopses are remembered the longest. It would be great if one ended up on AFV to win us 100, ooo dollars!

  7. I have been and will continue to pray that most of all, no matter what comes, ya'll will feel the presence of the Lord and walk in the joy of the Lord. Have so much fun.

  8. Thanks, Bri. I share that prayer!

  9. I will keep these requests in prayer. Enjoy this milestone...I'm sure all will be lovely and you'll have wonderful memories to carry forward.


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