Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tricolor Hodgepodge

Linking up with Joyce for the Hodgepodge today.  I've been sorely tempted to participate the last two times she offered it.   I answered  all her questions in my head, of course, but in the hopes of keeping the promise to myself to blog only four times in May, I refrained from entertaining you, my dear reader   delayed my gratification.

About FACE!

1. What can the average citizen do to honor a military veteran and/or those currently serving?

"Kill a terrorist."  That's what my brother-in-law said.   Instead, I called one of my favorite military friends and said I would be by with a dozen donuts from Dunkin today. All she had to do was ask her family of six for their two favorite kinds. They appreciated it. 

2. Besides a flag what is something you own that is red, white and blue?
We own a rule. It's called the Red, White, and Blue Rule in our house. Simply, when Mom and Dad's door is shut,  do not disturb us for anything other than red (bleeding), white (fainting), or blue (not breathing).

3. Does love really conquer all?   No. I'm still waiting for it to conquer the clutter in my house.

On a serious note,  love doesn't conquer cancer on earth.   I lost a three-year-old cousin to leukemia on Memorial Day weekend several years ago.  All the love in the world didn't keep him from dying, but thankfully all the love in our heavenly Father was bestowed on Jonathan to help him
and his family cope with the dreadful disease, and his death.  Ultimately God's love carried that sweet little boy to the arms of Jesus and carries his loved ones through riptides of grief.

4. Strawberry shortcake or blueberry pie?

5. Do you share personal stuff with your hairdresser?
Besides my money? Yes.  I try to talk to her about the Lord. You never know when your hour in the chair might lead to her hour  of salvation. (As far as I can tell, my hairdresser is not a Christian.)

6. Does money lead to selfishness?
No. We are born selfish, when we have not a penny to our name, or maybe not EVEN a name!

7. What piece of furniture in your home most needs replacing or refinishing?
My living room sofa is awfully dated, but is so comfortable and is good condition that it's hard to part with. To quote my sister-in-law, "It's a great napping sofa!"  I sometimes sleep better on it  than in my own bed.  But the living room is seldom seen, and thus the replacement of the sofa therein is not a priority.

8. Insert your own random here.
I will have plenty more to say and add pictures to on Friday, June 1st.  This is my fourth and final day to post for May unless my new charger for the laptop comes Wednesday morning and I can post late Wednesday night.  I made no promises as to how many posts in those four days I publish!  Sneaky, eh?

But I will leave you today with encouragement from our chaplain who spoke on my
all-time favorite today, Romans 8:  38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[k] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  

He began his always-delightful sermonette with audience participation, military style.

He marched left, right, left, right, in place.

"Okay, everyone.  I will sing, 'What can separate us?' And you sing, "'Absolutely nothing!'"

Chaplain: What can separate us?
Students and Teachers: Absolutely nothing!

All day that beautiful promise that absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God has been
ringing in my ears.  Whenever that happens, I can count on being put to the test of believing it in the near future.


  1. Beautiful post, Zo! I hope you'll be around more in June. I've missed your sweet spirit!

  2. It's good to see you here today! Love your red, white, and blue rule : )

  3. Glad you jumped in and joined today! Love your red, white, and blue rule!

  4. I too love your "red, white, and blue rule". It made me laugh!

  5. Your red, white, and blue rule is super clever! Great answer for #3.

  6. I love the Red White and Blue rule! Perfect!

    Hopping by from my Hodge Podge!

  7. My Dad and Mom had that same rule when we were growing up. But, they didn't have a cute name for it. That's too cute!

    Happy rest of the week!


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