Monday, June 04, 2012

A Bit of Randomness

I have taken some pictures over the past  month.  Not great pictures, but that wasn't my purpose.
I just wanted to remember special things and people.

First up, a special thing.  "Orange Poppies," done in watercolor by an 8th grader in our school.
After the art show, I saw her in the hall and told her privately I love this painting so much that
I'd pay her $20 for a copy of it. She clapped her hand over her mouth and cried. "Really?" I assured
her yes, really. She has some God-given talent and I want to encourage her to keep using it. And I
want a print of those glorious tangerine orange poppies in my home!

As of yet, she hasn't produced a copy, but I will bug her over the summer if I have to.

A special person and event...
Steve got to kiss his old fast-food job goodbye after 2.5 years. I asked him how he felt about
leaving and he replied, "My pleasure!"   He came home promptly and threw his shoes in the trash.
Tomorrow he starts his new internship with a major brokerage firm, doing some sort of computer programming work.  He's looking forward to the new adventure, the "foot in the door," the use of
the degree he's working toward, and the pay. The amount 20 year-olds can get paid these days just
astounds me.

Another special person...

Joel earned two awards on Field Day.
  A bronze for the 50m dash and a silver for sportsmanship.  I didn't sign up to oversee a game; 90 degree heat and sweating and being on my feet all day is not my thing.  So this is the shot I got from my van window at dismissal.  Tired as he was, he declared Field Day "awesome!" 

Another special thing...

This piece of artwork really impressed me. One of my 6th grade students painted it for her mother on 16x20 canvas. The detail and the perspective, the mix of greens, the simple blue dress and wreath of flowers in the girl's hair--I just love it all.

We're doing an all-school tile mosaic to commemorate the opening of our first year. Students, faculty, and staff were each asked to paint a 4x4 tile that represents them, their family, and/or their participation in the school.  We were encouraged to keep the background white and the motif simple. This is the symbol for being "grafted in" to God's family--the Star of David for my Jewish heritage linked to the fish symbol (Christian heritage) and the cross which unites us all. The border? Yellow and dark brown dots, symbolizing my favorite earthly homes in the states of Kansas and Maryland. My parents married in KS and had all their children in MD.

This is a bit late, but I just recently got a new adapter so can upload pictures. From my husband who isn't usually flirtatious, this card made me giggle. It says, "For the Woman I Love. On Mother's Day, let's leave the kids with a sitter, and enjoy some time together doing what adults naturally about the kids!" 


  1. The poppy picture is amazing. She did a great job.

  2. Such sweet glimpses into your life! Thanks for sharing, Zo!

  3. Your students are lucky people to have you. Hope you get your painting!

  4. I have a thing for Poppie so I love that painting! Cute card too : ) It's mostly true here too.

  5. It cracks me up how often I have also described someone's job as "some sort of computer programming work"! "Some sort of" probably IS the best description! Congrats to Steve!

    Way to go Joel!

    The art is wonderful- the student art and the teacher's also! Love the tile!

    Cute card! ;)


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