Friday, August 31, 2012

Quick Check-in list of Ten

  1. Still here. 
  2. Super busy prepping for school. 
  3. Today is housework catch- up and errands.
  4. My mom has had complications from eye surgery. Please keep her and my dad in your prayers.
  5. I was asked to consider teaching sixth grade math. I replied with "the absolute value of no. "
  6. My computer programming son said that an absolute value changes a negative to a positive, which is not what I meant. "Absolutely no" is what  I meant to say cleverly since I had to say no. Absolute no does not equal the absolute value of no, which confounds me. Further confirmation that I should not teach math. 
  7. My second son, of whom I spoke in number 6, gets a last hooray at the beach this weekend. I am jealous. Absolutely. 
  8. We had no vacation this summer. I am bummed.
  9. My oldest son and DIL hosted birthday dinner for me earlier this week. That was special.
  10. It is hard for me to tell I even got my hair cut six days ago. 
I hope to get a chance to blog more thoroughly this weekend. I will have to lift my head out of the art history of the 1500's first. 

1 comment:

  1. Sure hope your Mom's eye is better. My dear friend's Mom had cataract surgery this past Wed. and she has not done well and they are most concerned about her eye sight.

    Loved your #5. How funny!

    Hope you have a lovely Lord's Day!


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