Wednesday, September 05, 2012

A Simple Woman's Daybook 9.5.12

Outside my supposed to be quiet, but my daughter's car alarm starts honking at random times, always at night.   I don't suspect someone's messing with it; the car is old. The sound of the alarm is getting old, too, waking us up in the night. Sare Bear can't hear it, but Papa Bear jumps out of bed and races down the steps for the keys to turn it off.  Mama Bear is more "bear" than "mama" when she is rudely awakened. What is causing this nuisance alarm that might get the police called on us for disturbing the peace WITH our property instead of ON it?

I am thinking...that I am going to enjoy the little class of five high school students (all girls) I have this year. For a while I was really stressing over trying to make it
measure up to something of an AP art history class with drawing and painting squeezed in.

I am thankful...that my principal had a pow-wow with me before class today and relieved me of the stress I'd been experience as a result of not being clear about the vision for the content. I was overthinking . My vision was too lofty--something to aspire to in the future, she said, but right now, for just a 1/4 credit class AND as a  parent volunteer job,  make it a techniques class, toss in art history as enrichment, and have fun. My plans were so time-consuming that they were taking the fun out of it for me, which should always be a red flag to a teacher.  I am so grateful for the rapport I have with my superiors; they delivered a timely message of grace and truth to me. The burden lifted off my shoulders in five minutes!  I just don't know how to plan a simple curriculum! 

In the kitchen... is nothing left of the Mexican Chicken Casserole I concocted tonight. Chicken, green peppers, a packet of liquid taco mix, chickpeas, a can of
diced tomatoes with spicy red peppers, several handfuls of crushed tortilla chips, and a copious amount of shredded cheddar, and voila! A meal the whole family raved about--and the best part for me was that the whole family was here to eat it!! Rare treat indeed when that happens.

I am wearing... a lime green T and a comfy black skirt.  And no, I did not wear it in public.

I am creating... a new schedule for myself in my mind, whilst praying about how much outside-the-home stuff I commit to.   Right now I am trying to figure out
the best part-time work for the money and time constraints.

I am wondering...just how bad the state of the (dis)union is going to get, no matter who gets elected. We need God and we need a Godly leader at the nation's helm!  The world as we've known it is not going to remain the same for our children.

I am reading...  The Mixed-up Files of Basil something or other, with my 5th grader. Why does 5th grader sound SO much older than 4th grader?

I am hoping...that my mom gets her full sight back.

I am looking forward to...the delivery of new mattresses for the boys tomorrow.
The ones they have now have been in our home for probably 13 years.  No one could get a good night's sleep on them anymore.  teve gets a queen bed (early wedding present he and she picked out and I fenagled an unprecented sales price. When my husband says, "Oh, wow!" after my negotiations, I float on air.

 Around the house...deep cleaning of bedrooms has been happening. Feels good to find lost treasure under beds, and get rid of stuff.

I am pondering...nothing. My ponderer punched out four hours ago. It's now midnight.

A favorite quote for today...
I heard  when I was getting my mani-pedi (thanks to a birthday gift from my baby sister). This was said by a woman in the spa when we got to chatting about the duty of the mother of the groom. She was told by someone that it's our job to
I can assure you I will not be wearing beige. I WILL sit down. I will probably NOT shut up except to cry, but-- hear ye, hear ye--this girl doesn't wear beige for NOBODY!  I'll wear beer bottles caps hot glued together all over my body before  I'd wear beige.

One of my favorite things...
reading aloud with my 10 year old as he sits beside me and gradually lays his head on my arm. The tenderness of the child who usually pretends to be old for that stuff just melts my heart. I don't bring attention to it or else he quits abruptly.

A few plans for the rest of the week....  
Make new beds up fresh!
Join Weight Watchers. Again.
Grocery shop. :(
Medicate the dogs with their monthly treatments. 
Visit yet another church in our search for a new church home. 
Pray for my husband who is on the brink because of the stress at work. 
Try to settle on a date for an engagement party for immediate family.



  1. I woke up writing a mental to-do list. Finally decided to get out of bed and put it on paper. Just writing it down makes it feel more manageable.

    Have a good day!

  2. Sorry about Paul's stress at work. Josh had a lot of that too until his recent job change and I know that's not only tough on the employee but the employee's wife! ;)

  3. School sounds great this year!
    Keep it simple and have fun!
    Prayer and thankfulness at the forefront!
    I'm praying here and rejoicing in God's work in your lives. Even through stress, He is working His plan… But dear God, relieve the stress!

  4. Your to-do list is much more ambitious than mine! Wearing lime green is a bold move. I love it.


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