Friday, October 05, 2012

Act 2, Scene 1: Picking the Ring, Planning the Proposal

This is the Act 2,  Scene 1,  in Steve and Ambrey's Love Story, better known as "Picking the Ring and Planning the Beach Proposal."

For those who are new to the blog, Steve is our second son, a mature 21-year-old with solid Christian values, working part-time at an investment firm while majoring in computer science during his penultimate  (second to last) year of college. Ambrey, who has always wanted to be a teacher and has a heart for special needs kids,  is double-majoring in Early Childhood Education and Special Ed.

Steve has been pursuing 20 year-old Ambrey since the fall of 2010, and courting her since January of 2011. 


They knew fairly early on in their courtship that they wanted to spend forever together.  However, they never said "I love you" because she didn't want him to use the phrase casually or prematurely.  They simply and faithfully displayed their love through acts of service, tender looks,
sweet cards and thoughtful gifts. These two excel at "preferring one another" in more ways than one!

They had been talking about marriage for the past several months, and the logistics of where to live on a shoestring budget, and an early summer wedding so that they could have a couple months to themselves before the stress of another college semester and work at the same time.

I so loved this girl that I said to him, "Steve, if you don't propose to her, I will ! I want her in this family!" 

I'm sure Ambrey was hoping that I would not actually make good on that promise.

Steve wanted her to pick out her engagement ring, since she would have to wear it all her life. She  would do that if he would surprise her with it someday.  She loves surprises.  But she also knew she wanted a simple, high quality ring that wouldn't bankrupt her young handsome shmandsome.

He asked her, somewhere in their dating time, what her ideal date would be. She said it'd be a walk on the beach followed by a picnic. Yes, she is certainly a romantic sort, and --fortunately for her--so is he.  Although, he will admit, he occasionally needs help with ideas in that department.  Of course the mothers and one sister were all too happy to oblige for this occasion! Even the dads and brothers would get in on the planning before all was said and done.

Steve came up with a plan.  Ambrey's parents had already made arrangements to spend Labor Day weekend at the beach, courtesy of friends with a house there. Steve was always invited. He decided this would be the time to pop the question.

He took me to the jewelry store when he bought the ring that she had chosen. What an honor! My son asked ME (I didn't ask HIM if I could go, which took tremendous restraint, let me tell you!).  I was so happy seeing the sparkle in his eyes, making the most grown-up purchase he'd ever made and without debt. Proud of my son! And the ring was "so Ambrey." Sweet, high quality, beautiful.

He waited for almost two weeks for the ring to be sized, a very long two weeks once he had the beach proposal planned.

Did I say this guy is quite the planner? Last year I saw a list he'd made just sitting on the kitchen table:
2011 Quit Chick-Fil-A, get real job
2012 Get engaged
2013 Get married/ get degree
2014 Start a family

But I digress...I just like that 2014 line...

Finally, he made a list of everything he would put in the picnic basket, and a to-do list for himself. He knew all her favorite things to include.

Next installment: Act 2, Scene 2:  Down on One Knee


  1. Oh, what a sweet, sweet story. Just so refreshing when you see/hear about a couple that "does it right." I can't wait for the continuation of this........


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