Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Scatterday Evening Post

What a crazy-busy, full, loaded, intense, action-packed week it's been here.  I have so much to report, rather randomly, with things which could easily be one post apiece.  For the sake of brevity (and of course I use the term as loosely as some politicians use tax dollars),  I shall do a collage of thoughts.

Many times this week I wanted to sit down and post, but mentally konked out and played lots of games of Words with Friends.

I am tired but feel good.  Not good enough to put these thoughts in any sort of order.  But isn't that the way our thoughts run--never quite chronologically, never quite by order of importance, but somehow our thoughts do this rapid-fire thing of remembering, forgetting, estimating, opinionating, fixating, calculating, brooding, sorting? Amazing thing the brain.

All that was my way of procrastinating the actual writing of my sundry thoughts.  Ai, yai, yai.  No wonder my poor husband encourages Girls Night Out.

Oh,  wait! Yes, yes! 

THE ABSOLUTELY MOST IMPORTANT THING to report is the birth of my new great-nephew, Zachary.

He was born yesterday to Paul's niece, Talitha, and her husband Dave. They have a first grader who is a great older brother.  This new baby is truly an answer to many prayers.  After going through many medical procedures and miscarriages, this baby was conceived without "help" and was carried full-term.  Oh, the joy!!!

Here is the grandpa of that newborn. He's the one on the right, my husband's brother.  Tony is  being a goof  in this shot., the morning he was returning from a weeklong "bro visit" here. One of these days years,  Lord willing, the guy on the left--yes, my husband--will have the grand privilege of being a grandfather himself.  And what will that make me?  A happy grandmother!!!


On a MUCH less important note, here's something else that makes me happy: a new fall tablecloth and the remnant flowers from a bigger bouquet. I get a lot of mileage out of flowers and cloth napkins. Flowers are my love language (one of many I  have). The picture is  a bit blurry. Ugh. 

I made Cucumber Sammies for the engagement party.  Easy and yummy!
I used Pepperidge Farm thin-sliced whole wheat bread.  The filling is simply this:
8 oz cream cheese and 2 Tablespoons dry Hidden Valley Ranch  dressing and a cucumber, peeled and sliced very thiin.  (I use a mandolin.)
Another anppetizer I made, with assembly-line help from two of my kids, are these Pepperoni Kebabs.
A friend name Ron introduced us to these tasty treats  at  a Christmas social.  Big hit!
On a toothpick, layer the following: half a grape tomato, a cube of pepperjack  or sharp cheddar (I alternate for color and because some folks don't care for spicy cheese),  a piece of red onion, and a dill pickle chip.  Plate these up and then sprinkle with Italian seasoning and garlic powder (or garlic salt if you like it really salty, which we don't. The pickle and pepperoni are salty enough for us.)
  I think these are great four-season appetizers. Depending on the plate you use, it can look great at a fall festivity,  a Christmas party, a spring gathering, or a summer picnic.
That's all for now.

I have more to say (is anyone surprised?) but will make it a separate post. I am sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for a special phone call about a dream job.  There's a whole interview story I have to tell.



  1. What a sweet little baby.

  2. Scrumptious Scatterday Post! (Love the Kebabs!)
    Sweet Mom and baby! Congrats all around!
    Great pics of your Paul and his brother!

  3. Enjoyed your ramblings this evening and the food looks great! And, I can't wait to hear about the interview and this dream job. I so hope you get this dream job!! I'm pulling for you!


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