Thursday, November 29, 2012

Daybook 11.30.12

An entry inspired by The Simple Woman's Daybook, which I'm writing at 1:05 a.m.  Friday.

Outside my window...

is a cold, dark, silent night.

I am'd be wonderful if someone would go to see The Nutcracker  at the local college with me this weekend.  My girl has never been into ballet, and my husband rolled his eyes when I suggested it for a date (I knew he would).  But it's a production I've always wanted to see from start to finish, not excerpts in kiddie recitals of friends' children (sweet as they were). In fact, it's on my 101 in 1001 list.

I am thankful for...

so many good churches in the area. I am eager to settle into one as a family, but the hunt continues.

From the kitchen...

sits a half-eaten tray of brownies.

I am wearing...

one of my favorite winter staples of the closet--a faded, black, GAP, half-zip sweatshirt, a pair of grey PJ pants, and some thick white socks. I am cold and my leg bones hurt.

I am creating...

a pillow cover for my old dog because she destroyed her nice storebought pillow bed, and the thing she's laying on now in her crate is an older kitchen chair pad. My plan was to use scrap green fabric
to cover an old flat bed pillow completely so she can't claw it to shreds. I was in the middle of sewing it when I took a break, and when I returned, couldn't get the upper thread to pick up the bobbin thread. My husband--who can fix just about thing short of a broken heart--gave up trying to fix it.
I gave up after 2.5 hours of trying, too, but I simply HAD to try everything, because if there's one thing I hate to spend money on, it's repairs. Especially repairs on a machine I seldom use, but when I do, I really enjoy making things.

I am going...

to decorate for Christmas this weekend, starting with getting a tree.  I am excited. If you want to take pictures of your home decor and join my Christmas Tour of Homes, I'm kicking it off December 6th.  At least that is my goal.

I am reading...

Child of the Holocaust  (A True Story)  -- so gripping, and there are no chapters, so I have to force myself to find stopping points!  It starts right off with the author telling of how, when he was nine years old, he went away from his Polish hometown with a friend of the family, and when he returned, his entire town had been attacked by the Germans, and the Jews taken away. He was suddenly orphaned.

I am hoping...

I can figure out why I've been experiencing vertigo. If I change positions too quickly, I feel off-balance.

I am hearing...

the heater working hard.  We think the system is on its proverbial last legs.

Around the house...

are four people sleeping. I should be the fifth.

One of my favorite things...

is that magical moment when I drift off to sleep. What a mystery sleep is, what a gift, what a necessity!

A few plans for the rest of the week...

At noon, my friend Marilyn and I have plans to do lunch together. In the evening I'll  watch kids while their parents are in shabbat service. Saturday, the ballet  perhaps (?) and/or tree selecting. Sunday, church, then napping, then watch the Ravens/Squealers game while decorating.  If all goes well, we will be putting the angel on top while watching Baltimore come out on top!

A picture thought I am sharing...

/                                                      Albrecht Durer's face intrigues me.


  1. I'd go see the Nutcracker with you! I've only been once, when I was in elementary school.

    Lots of good churches is a much better dilemma than none, but I definitely understand the deep desire to settle in. That's so not a fun journey.

  2. I'd go with you if I lived closer! I've seen several professional productions and I love the music and the costumes and the show. I love ballet. My oldest danced with the Annapolis Production when she was in 5th grade. It was very exciting. It's an adult company but they audition kids from surrounding studios to fill in. So fun to be on stage with professional ballerinas. Now I need to see about going to the Nutcracker in NYC? Hmmm...wonder if its too late for good seats?

  3. I have a terrible time threading the machine needle. It is an eye/hand coordination thing, I guess.

    Have you ever read "The Book Thief"? I think you would like it.

  4. OMG! I had been "sawing zzzzz's" for quite some time when you were doing this entry. I seldom have sleep issues and I'm so thankful!

    I'd also go to the ballet with you if I could. I'm not crazy about it, but think it would be a fun experience.

    Enjoyed your daybook entry! Happy weekend!

  5. The Nutcracker! Even to listen to the music is a delight!
    Yes. An intriguing face!


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