Tuesday, March 12, 2013

There Once was a Hodgepodge from Joyce

                                 There once was a Hodgepodge from Joyce
                                       who likes to give ear to your voice.
                                     Though she poses eight questions
                                         we all think her best ones
                                    Are those that are multiple choice.

She comes to us From the Other Side of the Pond, where she must "Pond-er" these questions for the upcoming week about as soon as she hits the "Publish" key for the current week. 

Let's see, considering that today is the 13th, which is typically an unlucky number, I am going to change the fate of that guy and declare him lucky today. Each of my answers will have 13 words, except for the limerick in lucky question number 7.

1. Do you play games of luck/chance for money? Have you ever played bingo for money? Visited a casino? Placed a bet on a horse? Bought a lottery ticket?

No. No. No. Just a mechanical horse on the boardwalk game. Again, no.

2. Will you be preparing and/or dining on the traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage meal this St. Patrick's Day? Mashed-baked-hash browned-french fried...your favorite way to have potatoes?

I have never made that traditional meal. I'm just a pinch Irish.

3. What's the last thing you felt 'green with envy' over?

My friend Maria's Cape Cod style home, decorated beautifully. Here is a picture:

4. What's at the end of your rainbow?

Either of these would do: a new body or control of my tongue .

5. March 12th marks the anniversary of the death of Anne Frank (June 12, 1929-March, 1945). Anne's diary detailing her time spent hiding from the Nazi's during the war ranks as one of the best selling books of all time. Besides your blog, do you keep any sort of diary or journal? Was this a habit you developed as a child or is journaling something new for you?

Gratitude, Meditations, Prayer.  Started diary-ing in third grade. (Not diarrhea-ing; that occurred earlier.)

6. What's an item in your home or closet that contains every color of the rainbow?

The bruise on my shin . Wanna see? Just call me a serial klutz.

7. Write a limerick with you as the subject. You can do it!! Just remember this is a family friendly blog...don't make me get out my wooden spoon.


There once was blogger named Zo
Whose posts, like fungi, would grow
to the great size of Texas
or an SUV Lexus.
Her words-- they needed a lasso.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Happy first anniversary to my handsome firstborn and your beautiful wife. Love you!


  1. Fabulous job on the limericks and sticking to your 13 word limit! Loved it all. :D

  2. Your limerick ROCKS! Way to go! Aww...your son and daughter-in-law sure make a cute couple. Hope they have a wonderful anniversary...and many more!

  3. What a beautiful house and a beautiful bride!

  4. I love the house too. I'd like a cape style house on a lake when we retire : )

    Happy Anniversary to your 'kids'! Wow-time flies, doesn't it?

    Love your limericks!

  5. Yes, great limericks! And beautiful pic of the young marrieds! Happy anniversary to them.

  6. Good morning! WOW your limericks are sooo good! I am impressed! Love the house too! Enjoy your day!

  7. Great limericks and wonderful answers. Congrats to your first born, may they have 63 more like my parents.

  8. A wonderful post. Loved the wedding photos. You should have some beautiful gr-kids someday!

  9. Your limericks were great! And I'm a full believer that any Cape Cod house like that should also come with an interior designer to make it gorgeous... :-)


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