Thursday, April 04, 2013

D is for Donuts

When I was seven years old, my dad "felt called" into the ministry.  Not an easy decision,to give up his cushy career as a chemical engineer.  But with my mom's support, they packed up their three girls, moved to Kansas City, Missouri, and lived on their savings.

Both studious people, they thrived on theology, missiology, and religious ed courses. Funds were very tight, though, and Daddy ended up taking a part time job at a drug store. He was a prescription delivery man. We were too young to appreciate how humbling it must have been for Daddy to go from having built a new home on his engineer salary to working minimum wage driving around town.  But he said there was comedy in being both a seminarian and a drug runner.

We were also too young to appreciate what a sacrifice he made to take us every once in a great while
to Dunkin Donuts.  We were allowed one donut each, and we took our sweet time choosing the best of the lot.

Mama and Daddy liked to really dunk their donuts into their shared 50-cent coffee.  We girls thought ourselves all grown up by dunking ours into their coffee as well.  Sounds gross now to have five people dunkin' their donuts into one mug of coffee.

Fast forward to my  young adulthood, carrying my first child. My one and only craving was for jelly donuts,  but we had a tight budget, too. Made maybe 15 grand a year. Donuts were luxuries. But every week, at "home group, " one guy (Gary) would bring a dozen  donuts and tell the group, "Don't eat the jelly one. It's for Zo."  I can't tell you how much that meant to me.

Fast forward to this morning. I woke up thinking it'd be evening before I could sit down and blog "D is for Donuts." Two reasons: 1) I was expecting a friend over for lunch with her 2-month old baby girl. Paul and I used to go their church and were in small group together. We prayed many a prayer for Mel and Bill to have a child.  I couldn't wait to meet their angel.

I opened the door at 11:30 this morning to greet them. Melanie was wearing the baby, carrying a diaper bag, and holding this in her hands:

Lesson learned: Trust God, and He will lead you and your offspring into a land flowing with milk and honey-glazed donuts.
Okay, that was my D is for Donuts post with 26 sentences.
 Forever and always donuts
will hold special memories for me, from when I was seven
up to the present when I'm 47.
Please humor me while I indulge in more photos from today.
My hubby took off to paint my craft room which is why
he's got a sloppy shirt on.
He LOVES babies and gladly took a break
to get a baby fix.

Baby weighs 5.6 ounces at 8 weeks. But she's healthy!



  1. Aww I love this story as much as I love donuts.

    My son was 5-7 and grew into a strapping young man.


  2. Your stories are so poignant. I am really loving your theme.

    Precious tiny baby girl...congrats to the happy parents!

  3. Great story! Babies are so precious!

  4. Your parents were very brave to take a leap of faith. Of course, knowing that God was carrying that leap all the way made such joy.

    Donuts--what a wonderful post.

  5. I'm just rambling around the blog list while I wait for it to turn into Saturday here in Ireland so I can post "F" because I'm busy tomorrow, and I found you. I love that you list napping as an interest! I join you on that one. We don't have those donut shops here, but I have a nice recipe for doughnut balls, with cinnamon and mace, and I make them about once a year or less, but they are good - (health tip - it's okay to eat junk food so long as you make it yourself. How often are you going to make doughnuts?!!)

  6. Just when I think you've written your best, you outdo yourself. I loved this and that precious "itty bitty" baby, just the icing on the cake, or should I say "the donut." Happy weekend!

  7. beautiful pics and what a great story.
    I'm doing AtoZ on my fiction blog. but I write Christian stuff on if you'd like to take a look somee time :)



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