Monday, April 08, 2013

G is for Good 'n Plenty Candy

Anyone who really knows me can tell you my favorite candy.   I absolutely love Good 'n Plenty, the licorice capsules that wear pink and white coats.

I don't remember when I became so fond of Good 'n Plenty, but I'm pretty sure I was an adult.  Every once in a while, I pick up a box at Walgreen's. They're gone before I get home.

Every Christmas, the kids consult on stocking stuffer candies and figure out who's-giving-what-to-Mom-and-Dad.   My husband gets Lemonheads, Mike & Ikes, and Mentos.  I get Lindt chocolate truffles and Good 'n Plenty.

When I taught fifth and sixth grade, one of my students handed me a gift bag at Christmas. Inside was a box of my favorite candy and a note that says: "You always give us good and plenty homework."

One of my friends, Bonnie, also loves Good 'n Plenty. Our birthdays are a month apart and we live in the same neighborhood. In fact, my husband and I almost bought the house they live in now. That's how similar our "tastes" are.  Being close in heart and proximity, as well as in our choice of candies, makes it extra fun to deliver a box of Good 'n Plenty to her in July, and know that she will follow suit in August. It's a little tradition we've come to love and look forward to. Sometimes we splurge and get flowers for the other person, too, but the Good 'n Plenty candy? That is always on the birthday gift exchange.

Several years in a row, Bonnie and her kids took care of our dog while we were on vacation.  Often my birthday would fall while we were away. Coming home to birthday cards in the stack of mail was always a highlight, but the most fun was finding a box of Good 'n Plenty from her,
right there on the kitchen table.  She likes to write poetry, and one year wrote me a poem about our
friendship being one with good 'n plenty of laughter, tears, talks, and prayers. She used that poem, written on pretty stationery, as wrapping paper around a box of Good 'n Plenty.  Nothing says thoughtful quite like that.

Lesson learned: For every piece of Good 'n Plenty in a box, I can count a friend or relative who 
fills my life with Good 'n Plenty love.


  1. awwwwwhh love your last sentence... sweet :)

  2. Yum on good and plenty. Recently, I had a friend leave a job where I work. I gave him a box of good and plenty and told him I hope his new job will bring him lots of good and plenty. Dorky huh?

  3. Highly energetic post, I loved that bit. Will there be a part 2?

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  4. Good n' Plenty is a big part of movie theater history. Good memories.

  5. You are good & plenty blessed! =)

  6. I used to love Good and Plenty. Do you remember the train commercial where the little conductor kid would shake his box of candy like a train. If you don't remember it pull it up on youtube. I am sure it is there. Memories!
    until next time...nel

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