Saturday, April 13, 2013

L is for Love and Bridal Shower Food

Today was the bridal shower for my future daughter-in-love,
  Steve got her to the church under the pretense that
their last premarital counseling session would be held in the main 
building, not the annex as usual. She went right along with it
and was duly surprised. 
The banner behind them, with their formal engagement picture, 
says, 'I have found the one whom my soul loves." -Song of Solomon

The theme was Bridal Gown. Look how cleverly those cupcakes are arranged to 
form a wedding dress! 

My daughter, my mom, Ambrey, and my sister. 

A bridesmaid made the coasters . 

Her sister-in-law made about 70 of these bride dress cookies as favors, and
no two were quite alike!
Her mom and the bridesmaids assembled a Rubbermaid bin
full of  practical cleaning, laundry, and hygiene items, given with a a cute presentation
of advice.
("Pledge your lives to each other and Snuggle often." )

 I snapped a picture of the clothesline photos that
decorated the main food table (during clean-up, actually). 

My girls. 

Steve gave a short speech about the three things he admires most 
about his bride to be: her sweetness, her encouragement, and her  thoughtfulness. 

She listened with delight, of course, 
while my mom and sister took 
notes (for some reason). 

Even the great outdoors looked bridal. 

Photos of  her and him when they were little (Steve was modeling
his ringbearer tux and not happy about how hot he was.)

Zoom in on the photo in front which is a photo of 
Ambrey as a baby sitting in this basket 
on the counter when she was two weeks old. 

She loves babies' breath. I hope that's a prophetic statement. :) 

She loved playing bride when she was little. 

The happy couple after most of the loot had been loaded into 
vehicles.  Gifts, gifts, and more gifts. There's no way all that stuff
will fit into a one-bedroom apartment.

Lesson learned, as said best my sister: "That's what being sweet gets you."


  1. Oh, how wonderful! What a lovely lovely shower! Even the weather cooperated.

    The details were amazing.

    God bless each one of your family, Zoanna.

  2. What cleaver ideas:) Makes things so special.

  3. Looks like a happy celebration... I love the cookies!

  4. What a lovely bridal shower! You did a great job of sharing with us :) Sending the happy couple my very best wishes :)

  5. What a blessing to be surrounded by so much love!

  6. What a lovely family you have. Such lovely personalised things for the happy couple to keep.
    Visiting from A - Z


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