Friday, May 24, 2013

Company Girl Coffee, Paper Chase and Yellow Roses

Last night was our big , big, BIG production of the art and music show.  Actually, compared to all the production that went into making it happen all year and THEN the non-stop work of choosing, mounting, labeling, and hanging 98 art displays,  the actual show itself was over in a flash. Like Thanksgiving prepping and eating, except with art supplies, step ladders, and enough caffeine to turn a leopard into a zebra.

Paul and I after the show. The smiles were fake. We were both BEAT!

Grandparents and older sister make mighty good members of the young artist's fan club.

Here's a sneak preview of   an art show post I'll do later (maybe) after I've recovered.    These are my son's works of art. He's a 5th grader.

  I plan to frame this barn painting.  

             He drew this Troll Face. He didn't copy it. The kid's artistic gift is amazing. I hate to brag, but he is.

I'm way beyond tired and  tomorrow my 21-year-old son moves out. Waaaa. I'm coming unglued thinking about letting my third child go. Of course, he is "ridiculously excited" (per his Facebook status) to be moving into the apartment that he and his bride-to-be will occupy when they get married next month.  I actually saw this glue, which my husband was using to fix something, sitting on the apartment brochure on the counter.  Quite the metaphor, I thought.

And I'm joining my real-live-in-person-bloggy friend Rachel, who is a brand new grandmother this week!!!, for Company Girl Coffee.  That's what she cleverly calls her linky party that happens occasionally (not every Friday). Every Monday thru Friday, Rachel chooses a Small Thing to help us make our homes a sanctuary. Today's Small Thing is called the Paper Chase. Rachel's blog is fun to read even if you don't do the Small Thing, her presentation of work is so light and funny would enjoy it without actually doing the work!

I set my time for 2 minutes and 22 seconds because I didn't want to spend any more time than that. I was hoping for a nap.

I had other crap on my table, but after viewing my pictures up close, realized I had personal info on some of the paper.



Remnants of a Michael Jordon biography poster done by my 11 year-old. 
 Due the same day as the art and music show. Lovely. 

Please...make my day by cleaning my house, not sending me to the MVA.
Basketball prop from the MJ presentation, plus a lunch box. 

My Bible study book,  One in a Million, is authored by Priscilla Shirer.
Priscilla and Rachel are neighbors and best friends. Small world, eh?

 And voila! Clear table and beautiful yellow roses.  

 Oh, and my never-ending To Do list.    


Speaking of grandparents again, stop by and congratulate Rachel. She has pictures of new brand new beauty of a granddaughter posted yesterday. 


  1. Sorry it wore you out so badly but I'm sure lovely memories were created for all!

    How come you're not framing that lovely skull/mask/whatever it is? LOL!

    Have a restful weekend! Good luck with that nap!

  2. Your son is quite a talented artist! That barn--excellent!

  3. Hey there! I'm just now getting around for Coffee - a little late! Love the artwork, looks like the art show was a rousing success. I can only imagine the work that went into it and I hope you've had a chance to recover.

    Little Ivy Grace is doing fine...newborns are exhausting and wonderful. I think her parents need some sleep, but she is the cutest thing I've ever seen - so worth all the work.

  4. Your son is very talented! I love that you're framing the barn art. It sounds like you had a very full, but rewarding time. I am exhausted for you! Have a good rest of the week!

  5. Stopping by from last week's Company Girl Coffee because I'm also still recovering...from the 'last week of' MOPS, Awana, AOK (church kid's club), school year...

    The artwork is fabulous!! It sounds like an involved and fun time for everyone.


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