Friday, May 03, 2013

Five-Minute Friday : Brave

 Five Minute Friday, the meme, is a great way to write for five minutes. No editing, one topic. That's all I've got right now. I'm waiting for two women from our new church to pick me up for a ladies' retreat.

Okay ,why do I think "brave" fits with this? Well, I have been a social person and naturally engage in conversation. Usually.

But then there are times I don't feel like engaging, or I'm afraid, oeyr I'm not sure they care. You see , I was at a church for 17 years up until 17 months ago. Then I left after a two-year struggle and not growing. We have been looking for a new church home for a long time. Since Christmas we've been at this one. They're having a ladies' retreat at one of my favorite spots on the Chesapeake Bay. I need no bravery to go to that place, but to feel like I fit in requires a leap of faith. Or baby steps.

Powderroom politics, I've heard it called. Women who are put together or appear to be.

I overpack for lack of bravery.

All day I've been talking to the Lord and letting him talk back. Fear not, he says, for I am with you.
Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. That means listen to them. Talk less, listen more. Feel prompted to pray for them? Do it.   Let God increase while I decrease.  Encourage one another while is called Today. Be filled with the Spirit, singing to yourselves in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Put on the whole armor of God, but against SATAN, not armor againtst people. We don't fight against flesh and blood.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might.


  1. Have a great retreat!!
    (via FMF)

  2. Hope you are blessed by your retreat and the women there!

  3. Zoanna, I know the Lord will bless your willingness to go!! I pray you find some good connections and leave feeling a little more known.

  4. I look forward to hearing all about it and how the Lord blessed and you were braver than brave. Blessings!


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