Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day Scraps, Part 1

 You know you're a midlife mom when you walk out of the house with your good, big camera on Mother's Day, all pumped up for taking pictures of your babies (of every age), only to realize, too late, that you left the memory card at home in the computer.
Most days it feels like the memory card between my ears is stuck somewhere else as well. 

So I had to rely on my daughter's phone camera, my daughter-in-law's good camera,  and my youngest son's ipod --and all their promises to email them to me...which I'm waiting impatiently to receive. The few pictures I have posted here are still part of the memory I am keeping of the beauty that surrounded Mother's Day and the day after (yesterday).

I shall relate what happened in the morning and evening now, whilst waiting for said pictures from other sources, and tell the afternoon story later.

First, Sarah had invited us to her church in Baltimore City.  They meet in the same elementary school I went to as a kindergartner.   I did not recognize it at all, but I think it's cool how God connected the dots in my life like this.

The church made the moms feel special, honored, and appreciated. They had a child give a rose to their mom. They also handed out these T-shirts. Here's the back.

Here's the front. 

Joel gave me a balloon at the start of the day, kept it in the van to take to the picnic, but when we got out of the van at the end of the day, he accidentally let it go. We were both upset.  But I got over it soon.

Apparently he didn't.  When I wasn't paying attention, he went to his room and made a card AND a balloon, which was by far the best gift of the day. Words of affirmation are my number one love language.  Believe me, I floated higher than any balloon when he presented this to me and then gave me a hug.

By the way, a "boss" is a good thing. Like "awesome." :) 

Then the acrostic that spells out "I LOVE YOU"


I love you
Owns in Words with Friends
Van Gough (I don't know how to spell it)
Even rarer than the rarest thing on the planet
You love me
One in a Million
U care (txting lnge)

love you mom, love joel

By the way 'txting lnge' means "texting language," he explained;) 
Yes, I was all mush, smiling about the "Van Gough (I don't know how to spell it") and the "Owns in Words with Friends" and of course, who doesn't love being called Even Rarer than the Rarest Thing on the Planet? 

And that was only part of the love I received on Sunday. 

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