Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hodgepodge and Peeks at Wedding Pics

Why am I doing this? It's 10:47 a.m.  Family are gathering here at 1 pm and we are going out to lunch at a local Chinese restaurant, I think. We just had our son's wedding  on Saturday, my baby sister's baby shower on Sunday,  one day of sittin' around with house guests (family from out of town), one day all to ourselves yesterday at the pool  (so I'm nursing a sunburn), and tonight the guys are going to an Orioles game. 

Nevertheless, I love Joyce's  Wednesday Hodgepodge    questions From This Side of the Pond,  and the chance to touch base with my fellow HPers. 

1. Summertime is a season of reunions, weddings, and other family celebrations and gatherings...are any of the above on your calendar in the next two months?

All of the above!  

Let me show snippets from just  the past week!  Our second son, Steve, married the lovely and beuutiful Ambrey.  

Wedding rehearsal Friday...  


Followed by the rehearsal dinner... featuring teary-eyed moms trying to hold it together.  My pearls were obviously as emotional as I was.  You can see where Ambrey gets her beauty.  

A quick peek from before the wedding. You gotta come back here for more. I'm still recovering    editing. 

The day after the wedding I attended a shower for my baby shower for my baby sister, seated here in her new glider.  This picture ---my mom, me, younger sister Andrea, older sister Rachel, my  daughter Sarah,my  daughter-in-law Deirdra, (other DIL was on her honeymoon the day after the wedding), and sister Jill.  And niece in the womb whose name is being kept secret. We only know her initials: JBB. 

2. June is National Iced Tea Month...are you an iced tea drinker? If so, how do you like yours (sweet, flavored, etc)? 
Southern "Swate Tay" with lemon. 

3. When were you last nervous?  Looking back, was the 'event' actually nerve-worthy?

I was nervous but happy walking down the aisle with my youngest son escorting me.  All those eyes...
Yes, I'd say it was nerve worthy. Years of raising a boy to a man, months of planning for the big day, 
putting him into the arms of his next woman for life. Yes, nerve worthy!

4. The bristle toothbrush was invented in China on June 26, 1498...not sure how that date was pinned down so precisely but, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being sick to your stomach and 1 being not at all, how nervous do you feel when you're headed to the dentist?  Do you see your dentist twice a year?

I don't mind the dentist, just dental surgery.  I go faithfully twice a year. I need an implant and that's on my to-d0 list for summer  (which is more nerve-wracking than a wedding). 

5. What's making news in your town this week?

The Orioles. 

6. Curtains, drapes, blinds...your window treatment of choice? Are there any bare windows in your house? Is that by choice or because you haven't gotten around to covering them? 

I have a combo of toppers and blinds, shades and sheers, bare windows (in two back bedrooms that face the thick woods), and when cooler weather comes, drapes on the sliding glass doors. In summer I like them covered with sheers for privacy by night and lotsa light by day. 

7. Summertime is officially here (in the Northern hemisphere anyway)...what one song is a must-have on your summer playlist?

Anything by the Beach Boys will do. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.  

I thought my knee had healed from my fall in late April.  But I am really thinking I need it x-rayed now because it's been a chronic bother (except on wedding day--hallelujah) . I think I fractured the top of the patella. I have about half the range of motion I should have and need the peace of mind that comes from having a doctor advise me. Rest, ice and ibuprofen are only temporary and it's not helping that much. Especially since "rest" and weddings don't go together. 

PS I have not proofread.  I am taking a pass on that today. :) 


  1. I'll definitely come back for more. I love weddings and wedding pictures! You look lovely in your mother of the groom dress and I love you in the hot pink color you wore to the rehearsal. Everyone looks very happy, which is as it should be. Best wishes to all!

  2. Oh wow! I was wondering if the wedding was this past weekend! Looking forward to hearing more about it.
    That's a great pic of you and the Hubby!!

  3. What a beautiful wedding :) I love a glass of ice sweet tea on a hot day! Hope you knee feels better soon!

  4. Love the pictures, especially the close up of you and Hubby. Yes, I think having a Dr. take a look at the knee is a very good idea.

    Hope you can find some time for R & R. You've been a very busy woman!

  5. What a beautiful wedding - your dress was beautiful! And yes, do get your knee looked at - I waited much too long last year to get my hip looked at and it only made it worse. Sigh. Why, oh why, won't I stop being stubborn? ;-) The pics of the baby shower were beautiful too - and what a good idea, only releasing the initials! Wish I had thought of that!


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