Monday, July 29, 2013

This n That

I seldom rant here,  but this has been bothering me for a while and maybe I'm not the only one.
Isn't  it rude for a hostess of a meme not to come say hello if you've linked up to her meme? They get bent out of shape if you draw traffic to your blog via theirs without linking up (which is usually a technical oversight on the writer's part, not intentional), but I think a hostess who doesn't want to take the time to drop a line to say hello to her virtual guests should rethink being a meme hostess.  I've been to many other sites where I see a plethora of traffic on the hostess's site but her poor readers get little to nothing back from their link-up. Sad.  (And I am not referring to my faithful hostess friend, Joyce.)

In fact, I think it's rude to keep getting comments but not giving them. Excuse it for lack of time or bother, but in real life would you let someone carry on a one-sided conversation with you all the time?

Thank you to those who give as well as take. I appreciate your comments.

Yesterday was the memorial service for my friend Carol.   There must have been some 450 people in attendance. She touched the lives of so many and will be deeply missed. The last letter she wrote (ie dictated) was to her hero, Joni Eareckson Tada, to encourage HER to keep the faith, keep trusting, keep doing good in her walk with the Lord.

I got a job! Or at least I hope it pans out. It's supposedly tutoring a boy from England  in English (go ahead, laugh!)  while (whilst?) he's here on vacation. Not that sitting in a library taking English classes twice a week sounds like the vacation a high schooler would want, but I will do my best to entertain him and maybe teach him to enjoy the writing process. He might be the closest I ever get to royalty, poor kid.

A dark cloud hangs over me.  I hate this feeling of dread and despair.  It visits me from time to time and then leaves for a while.

I want to show pictures of  my new crafting/guest room but it means I'd have to actually get it camera-ready again. And I'm in the middle of a baby quilt so there's lots of stuff out and about, waiting for my sewing action.

I need to set a date about that with pictures and just use that to motivate me.

Speaking of pictures, I cannot access mine and am frustrated. My  IT genius son fixed the PC but I am not able to import photos from my SD card like I used to. Can't figure it out.  Not that that comes as a shock. My husband bought a MacBook mini for my son and me (because we supposedly were responsible for all the viruses the PC kept getting).   But the laptop didn't come with camera cables.What should I do? I hate change sometimes, especially where technology shows my ineptitude.

 I don't want to keep blogging sans photos. No one reads those,do they? You know there are some readers who cheat and just look at the pictures to make a comment--IF they make a comment. You know who "they" are.

Happy Tuesday to my bloggy friends.  KEEP CALM AND COMMENT ON.


  1. Well, it isn't fun to always be leaving the comments and never receiving. I so agree and I just end up getting rid of those folks after I've given them many, many chances.

    I'm sure the young man you tutor will be thrilled! He'll get to be entertained as well.

    Hope the doom and gloom leaves you soon! That's not a fun place to be!

    Wishing you a happy week!

  2. I think the meme hostess should visit at least a few each week. There are so many in the HP now, it's hard to get to them all, but I do try to read them before the next one rolls around. The woman whose blog was the springboard for the HP read odd posts one week and even the next so there are ways to make people feel welcome. I think a hostess needs to try.

    I hope your little black cloud moves on and your week grows in happiness : )

  3. I have a cloud that hovers over me now and then too. I blame it on hormones. And getting older. :-) Life is just tough at times.
    Isn't it great to have an IT expert in the family? My kids have rescued me more than once!


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