Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hodgepodge and Great News

1. My daughter earned her Master's Degree this past weekend...what's something you've 'mastered' in recent weeks or months?
I'll spare the long version ,but I mastered (that is, conquered) my doubts about getting a beach vacation this year, especially when it appeared we might have been scammed . Thanks be to God ,we weren't; a strange coincidence just made it seem that way . 

2. What song most reminds you of your childhood?
Jesus Loves Me

3. What do you think about single gender groups and/or events? Should every group/event be open to both genders?  If not, what sort of exceptions do you think are appropriate? 
I think separating genders is very beneficial in certain areas. Men's retreats, women's conferences, boys' sports teams ,girls' sports teams, are all healthy venues for growth within one's own gender group.  Also in the middle school/high school days, I am not fond of letting kids of opposite sex swim together.  Unpopular as it may be, I also believe women should not be allowed in combat in the military. 

4. What's your favorite spice? Your favorite dish containing your favorite spice?
Black pepper.   (Did you know pepper is the most common spice on earth ,one that every cuisine on earth incorporates? I just heard that last week.)   I use black pepper in and on just about everything .  I have to have it on my eggs. 

5.  I saw this question on Marla's facebook page and asked if I could 
steal borrow it for the Hodgepodge...thanks Marla!  

Chevron patterns are everywhere!  Do you like it or think its just a little too much? Do you own anything 'chevron'? 
A little chevron goes a looooooong way. It can be the perfect pattern in small quantities, but for the most part it makes me dizzy.   I also think it's better on pillows than on people , but I've seen it look okay on thin women. 

6.  What's something you disliked as a child, but can fully appreciate now?
Taking a nap!

7. What can irritate you very quickly?

Whining.  People chewing gum like a cow.  Nervous laughter. Cartoons.  Barking dogs.  Excessive use of fillers in conversation ("Like," "Y'know," "Um, ah," "But-uh"...).  Any repetitive noise.   I have little patience for auditory clutter.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

My baby girl is here! Okay, not MY  baby girl, but my SISTER's baby girl.  She was born Monday morning, the twelfth day of August, which feels a bit like getting a gift on the 12th day of Christmas!
Pictures coming!


  1. We pepper pretty much everything around here too : ) Congratulations to your sister...nothing quite so sweet as a brand new baby girl. Have fun spoiling her!

  2. Congrats on the new baby! What a fun time ahead! I look forward to seeing pictures of the little bundle of joy!

  3. Your list of irritating things is a good one! I agree.

    I also have grown very fond of taking naps :)


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