Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daybook, 10.15.13

The Simple Woman's Daybook helps put a bunch of life's happenings in one neat little post when the reality is, each happening could be its own post if only...


Outside my window... pleasant, sunny, mildly cool, with a clear blue sky, and a neighbor mowing grass..

I am thinking of the family, friends, coworkers and students of a teacher in our school who went Home to her Savior this past Saturday. Her brain cancer was only diagnosed a few months ago, but she said God had told her it was cancer before doctors did. She had such peace. She was a gentle, worshipful person.  In her dying moments, her arms were 
uplifted in praise and her last words were, "Thank You, Jesus." 

I am thankful... that I have the same peace.  It's been a year of loss, but I felt the Lord speaking to me last December that this year's overarching word would be "Peace."   

In the kitchen...  are some delicious tomatoes and squash from an Amish roadside stand, just waiting to be grilled tonight.

I am wearing...a purple top and khaki pants.  Like you care.

I am creating... three quilts and some gifts I can't show because certain people read my blog now and then. Ahem. 

But these fall fabrics are turning into a table runner for my dining room, 

while these fun, bright scraps will become part of a play quilt for my niece for Christmas.  ( My sister rarely reads my blog so I'm pretty sure she won't see this, especially she since is in St. Thomas with baby JB.   Even if she happens upon this photo,  it's just a teaser, right?) 

I am going...to drop off some notes of encouragement (secretly) to the sponsors of two friends who will be pilgrims on their Emmaus Walk. Have you ever heard of Emmaus, or been part of it as either a sponsor or pilgrim? 

I am wondering..."What is the legacy I'll leave?"

I am reading... . mostly quilting books and magazines

I am hoping...to pursue something that God has laid on my heart when He spoke to me recently these four little words: "Set the captives free." 

I am looking forward to... helping my daughter in her class again on Thursday.  I just love to go to her school; all her coworkers think I'm her older sister, not her mom. All her kiddoes cheer when I walk in, "Mrs. Z!" and make me feel like a rock star.

I am learning. a great deal from Beth Moore's Bible study on James. 
Today: Anguish can morph into joy. 
Around the house...a few fall decorations. My thoughtful husband bought some Indian corn and a little basket of mini gourds while shopping with my daughter. He said to her, "Pick out something for Mom. You know how she likes her little fall decorations."  Awww.
I hung the corn on a wreath I made. 

I am pondering... whether my mom will get good news or bad on Thursday, healthwise.  

A favorite quote for today..."Just think, Mom," said my 11-year old, as we got out of the car after school, "In just 4 short years, I'll be driving YOU around. Scary thought, huh?"  

One of my favorite things... is hearing birds sing.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  quilting class, phonics game with first graders, exploring membership class at church, memorial service. 


1 comment:

  1. What wonderful quilt fabric!!

    I was just laying out fabric for our church bazarre in NOvemer, a gift for a niece, and maybe something else, I don't know.

    The colors are a gift from God.


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