Thursday, January 23, 2014

First Doll Quilt: Pretty in Pink

Back in November, I finished my first doll quilt and sent it in a shoebox, along with this doll and some other little goodies, via Operation Christmas Child, to a little girl who is known to God but not to me. 
I just kept imagining the same kind of joy she'd receive from playing with her baby doll as I did when 
I was a little girl. My grandmother made a baby doll quilt and a bed for one of my dollies. 
I loved it. 

Here is the first quilt I made.  It's approximately 16x18" finished.
Pattern: my own patchwork design
Machine pieced and quilted, Janome DC 1050

All snuggled up for her trip overseas.
I sure did have fun playing with decorative stitches!

                               Made with love by Zo....(personal ID blotted out).....2013

 Dear Baby, I'm so happy you are now in the arms of your new little mommy. I'm sure
you're both having loads of fun. 
Dear Little Girl, Please enjoy the quilt. It was a joy to make for you. God loves you.


  1. You can guarantee that the quilt, beautiful as it is, is such a treasure to the little girl who received it. What a wonderful and giving thing to do!

  2. What a gift of love and that's what the shoeboxes are all about. I get that quilt and doll will be a part of that little girls life until there is nothing left of either one. Happy weekend!


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