Monday, January 20, 2014

Daybook, or a Fall in Winter. 1.20.14

The Simple Woman's Daybook comes to my aid today, when my thoughts and life's events are as scattered as the rugs about the house. 


Outside my window... a stunning sunrise streaked with coral, lavender, powder blue and white. I took one look at it and thought I heard God say, "Look what I painted for you today, sweetheart."  He woke me up extra early so that I could admire it.

I am thinking how many times I've revised my resume' and  cover letter for a prospective employer.  I know it has to stand out and highlight my achievements, but every time I try, I just want to boast in God.  He prepared me from childhood with parents who valued the things I've passed on to my children and students. He gave me a husband who valued my work raising children and homeschooling them. My children's lives give testimony to those values and that work, but somehow I am supposed to promote myself, and it just feels icky. 

I am thankful... that I am healing fast from a nasty fall on Friday. Try not to laugh, but I was at the gas station, pumped my gas, got back in the van,  and decided to get back out and throw away my banana peel.
I opened the door, stepped out with my left foot, grabbed the peel (in a bag) with my right, and was going to quickly--in one fell swoop--toss the banana peel. But my right toe got stuck in the door frame area and I  lost my balance, fell headfirst into the metal gas pump, knees striking the concrete platform, right shoulder and hands taking the impact.  I went into the station, reported my fall, and got a couple bags of ice from the soda machine. Sat in my van, shaking, crying, wondering if I could drive home. By God's grace, yes, I could, and did.

In the kitchen...  I hear the boompa, swish-swish, boompa, swish-swish of my hardworking servant,  AKA the dishwasher. 

I am jammies (pink Henley style longjohn shirt, teal sweatpants), white socks, and black slippers. This is my holiday wear, and by that I mean today is MLK Jr Day.  No school, no reason to dress for the drive and the possibility of being seen in public.  Unless I fall again and end up at Patient First looking like this.

I am creating.. my first doll quilt of 2014. There will be a plethora of purple pinwheels. My hope is to make 7 doll quilts and buy dolls to go with them, pack them into shoeboxes and mail them with other little goodies for Operation Christmas Child.

I am with my boy today to pick up supplies for his science fair project. He is building a battery-powered motor.  

I am wondering... what the inside of my oldest son's new house looks like. They settle on Friday, and move on Saturday, Lord willing.  I am so excited for them in this new beginning as homeowners. I keep picturing my son pushing a lawnmower on a spring afternoon while my daughter-in-law rocks our future grandbaby to sleep in the nursery. No, this is not an announcement; this is merely a dream!

I am reading... . quilt books and magazines by the dozen.

I am hoping..we soon find a replacement vehicle at a good price. My van's front windows don't work, the driver's side tire won't hold air, even after being patched, the heater is slow to warm up, the gas gauge has long since been faulty, the battery died last week (at the same Exxon where I took my wicked fall).  My silver van--my old grey mare--she ain't what she used to be. She is me. (Or, to be grammatically correct, "She is I.") 

Good thing my hubby doesn't look for a newer model in the wife department. 

I am looking forward to...a nap. That's okay, isn't it? Oh, and being snowbound tomorrow because we might get 5" of snow!

I am learning that people are much more insecure than they appear. Everyone has a story, everyone has fears, everyone wants to be reached out to and noticed and loved.  This is the year I'm really going to start taking the initiative rather than waiting for others to get acquainted.

Around the house...are many things needing to be reorganized. Good thing I enjoy setting up systems, huh?  Too bad they don't maintain themselves.

I am pondering... God's brilliance in designing a certain plant called arnica, which grows in Europe and is what mountain goats eat when they've injured themselves. Arnica reduces inflammation and discoloration from bruising ; I had not heard of it until Saturday when my mom called and told me of her German friend who gave her Arnicare Gel (homeopathic cream).  My mom brought me some and all I can say is it worked so well that I didn't need ibuprofen for the rest of the day.  

A favorite quote for today... actually is a just a little song made up and sung to me by one of my daughter's darling first graders. Picture a little bronze-faced boy with dreadlocks and a sweet voice singing this: 

I like school.

I like school. 

It's so fun to come to school.

 We play outside and have some fun.

 We play inside and learn in Ms. Z's class.

School is so much fun.

One of my favorite things... is being hugged. 

A few plans for the rest of the week:  

  • delivering a baby....quilt . (Ha! You thought I'd become a midwife.) 
  • submitting my job application, 
  • playing phonics games with first graders, 
  • offering to clean my son's new house or old apartment on Saturday, as most needed.  I think my penchant for falling on concrete should eliminate me as a mover of boxes. Here's hoping I don't trip over a vacuum cleaner and bust my face open on a dresser.


  1. Even with diving into the gas pump, you had a magnificent day!
    Arnica is excellent! Whenever I get bruised up (clumsy) the arnica cream takes care of the pain and swelling.
    I need to get some more.

  2. I love the quilt and doll idea! Stay warm and dry today. We're bracing for a winter storm as well, and my bible study is cancelled for this morning. I think Central MD is going to be in the 'eye' of the storm this time.


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