Monday, March 31, 2014

It's My Prerogative, so I AM Doing the A to Z Blogging Challenge

I know that last week I said I wouldn't.

But it's a woman prerogative to change her mind, and so I have.

Last week, I didn't have the material to inspire me, nor the stamina to sustain the challenge. But I think I've found the former, which encourages the latter.

Count me in for the  April A to Z Blogging Challenge 2014.  It's simple but not easy:  blog every day in April except for Sundays.  That's 26 days, corresponding nicely with the number of letters in the alphabet.

So, what changed? What inspired me? What's my theme ?

My daddy's words.

Specifically, his words written in his own hand, into a blank book called A Father's Legacy: Your life Story in Your Own Words.  I gave it to him on Christmas Day, 1999, and requested it back as a gift on Christmas Day, 2000. He lovingly complied.

I should not call it a blank book, because it didn't even start completely blank; at the top of each page is a pre-printed question and then a page of blank lines for him to write his answer. An interview of sorts, mainly eliciting autobiographical information, but also a gratifying dose of fatherly counsel and insights sprinkled throughout.

My father is now 79 years old. He is my hero, the first man I ever loved, someone I'd give my last breath for. I cherish him and always have. He is a man of integrity, gentleness, wisdom, humor, common sense, fidelity, compassion, gratitude, honor, courage, and love.  He is intelligent, articulate, inquisitive, creative, and persistent.

I've always thought of him as "Jesus with skin on."  My mother calls him "the incarnation of Jesus' love" to her.

I'd say a man like that deserves to be read.  And reread.  Hence, I will be bringing to the April A to Z blog challenge...

Daddy's Words.

I might throw in a few of his poems here and there, too. His poems make me smile. I think they'll make you smile, too.


  1. Your very lucky to have such a wonderful, priceless gift from you father...wish I had one from my dad.
    How special to share it with us, thank you, I'll enjoy your posts.
    On the A to Z Challenge Maggie@expatbrazil.

  2. I am dropping by to welcome you to the A-Z Challenge.
    What a great theme you have. I lost my father a few weeks ago and I cherish everything he wrote.
    Good Luck!


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