Thursday, May 08, 2014

Redoing Our Master Bathroom

I thought I had taken a before picture of the whole bathroom, but if I did, I can't find it. Suffice it to say it's was a 9x5 room stuck in the 90's.   Faux finish painting. Wallpaper border at chair rail height. 

Then, cosmetics aside, the bathroom developed a leak one day that wouldn't quit. 
It necessitated the remodel. 

My husband has been THE MAN IN COMMAND of this redo, and I'm so proud of him.  He started with the plumbing in the shower.   He learned that the plastic pipes really do hold better than soldering sometimes.

He removed wallpaper.

 He took out our ugly, stained seashell sink.

And the hideous mirror.

He tore out walls, vanity, and toilet.

He supervised our son who could hardly wait to begin demolition.  Boys just love to destroy stuff.
I have to admit, it always makes my heart swell when I see my husband teaching his sons some practical skills. 

He scraped and sanded that old faux finish. It took hours! He sanded till he was ready to faux up.
I wanted to help but it hurts my shoulder (the one that needs surgery or PT).

I taped paint samples to the wall, so that's something. Basically I was a Home Depot go-fer and design coordinator.  Not that I think anyone is impressed by the latter title except for me.

I photographed his hands because I love them.

This part made me nervous...

He put up cement board...

 and removed trim in his cute, fuzzy brown slippers. I asked him if they were certified handyman footwear.  (He ignored me.)

He recruited our oldest son who has the youthful strength to move things like vanities and drywall.  We were so grateful for his help.  (Our second son helped on a different day, but I didn't get a shot.)

 He found floor and wall tiles and I found accent tile. We made our choice in about 15 minutes. That was so easy and I really like Home Depot dates that go so smoothly.

That's Part One.

The tile is all now completely installed (for which he had help from a tile specialist) but not grouted yet.  I'll write another post when the second phase of the bathroom is finished.

I can't express how thankful I am for my husband's hard work. I keep telling him "handy is sexy" and he keeps giving me that smirk that says, "Oh, puh-lease."  But I think a little flirting is great for morale when you're covered in sawdust.  It's the least I can do.


  1. Love the way you two act together - fuzzy slippers, photo of his hands, flirting in sawdust. Beautiful - much better than that seashell sink! Why did every home in America have a seashell sink??? I know we still have one in our downstairs bathroom too!

  2. Love this and can't wait to see the finished product. Hats off to your Hubby and sons for tackling such a project. Bathrooms are the worse.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. It's cool to see a strong adherence to a vision, much more the determined hands that doggedly bring it into being. It's much more advisable, though, to bring more 'hands' into such a renovation, to get everything done with at the fastest time. To open more time for work, or to expand the vision. All the best!

    Lovella Cushman @ Perfection Plumbing


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