Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Peppering the 'Podge with P's

1. The month of July was named for Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. He's quoted as saying, 'Experience is the teacher of all things." So what has experience taught you lately?

That eventually cancer touches every person's life. You, someone you know and/or someone you love will be affected by this  horrible disease. Last year I lost a friend to breast cancer, a co-worker to brain cancer, and my fifth grade teacher to brain cancer.  Monday we got the shocking news that one of our family friends died of liver cancer just one WEEK after his diagnosis.  And yesterday,  when I picked up my friend to take her to her oncology appointment, she was saying goodbye to her son who was loading a U-Haul heading to California. It was all too much to bear.   In my car she sobbed and screamed,   "It's just not right! This is all SO WRONG, ZO!  I AM SO OVER THIS WHOLE CANCER THING!"

With a little bit of time and tears, her spirits were lifted and she was telling me that she's going to every appointment wearing pearls.  They make her feel pretty. She also asked the doctor if she had kids, because the only way to describe her chills was to call them "pee shivers."  The doctor didn't have kids and she'd never heard of pee shivers. Have you?

2. Where did you last 'roam'?

Around the house, looking for something I just had.  Happens too often.  Perchance you know what I'm talking about?

3. Speaking of 'Rome', pasta, can only pick one, which would you choose?

Pasta.  Of course we are assuming it's topped with marinara or meat sauce.  right? Or shrimp and scallops with alfredo?  No? Well, that's okay. I've been known to eat cold noodles pulled right out of the fridge. I'm  99.9 percent sure that when my organs are harvested when I die, the tissue will all be made of  pasta. They won't be worth a penne to me at that point.

4. 'Rome wasn't built in a day', 'All roads lead to Rome', 'When in Rome...' which 'Roman' idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.

Rome wasn't built in a day.  All these projects I want done NOW, take time. Take redecorating a bedroom, which is the big goal I have set for myself at the moment, home wise.  There's planning, preparing, purchasing, purging, and --while I'm using annoying alliteration--pinning pictures from Pinterest for pleasure.

5. What's a movie you've seen or a book you've read, that makes you want to book a trip to Italy?

Roman Holiday

6.  Walt's original Disneyland opened almost sixty years ago, on July 17, 1955  Have you ever been to the California park? How about any of the other Disney parks around the world? What's your favorite amusement park ride or attraction?

I've not been to the California park but we took the kids to the Disney World (Florida) when "the baby' was 3.  Our fondest memory is when that "baby' decided he did NOT like Mickey Mouse touching him for a picture,-it was creepy to my boy-- he turned around and punched him in the stomach!

I'm not an amusement park fan, but I do like bumper cars  and dolphin shows. Anywhere to plop my posterior down after walking miles,  or standing in line for an hour for a 45 second drop from Pluto to pavement.

7. It's that time of year...when were you last bitten or stung?

Last year, within 3 hours' time, I was stung twice on our front porch steps as I attempted to take my son and his friend out for a game of laser tag. 
It was as if that darn bee said, "Not today, lady. If I can't go, THEY can't go. 
And if YOU can't go, THEY can't go.  So ----bzzzzst!--gotcha!.....Gotcha again!"

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

I am grieving this week (see question 1) .  Too much heartache. And on top of that, I screwed up my back.  It's hard to get up out of a sitting or lying position. It's uncomfortable to walk or bend over. I'm not sure what I did but this is the third day of near-misery .

Okay, I promise not to wallow here. I will be back with fun pictures of my baby niece, 
maybe some doll quilts I've finished, and something to make you smile. But today is the middle of a hard week emotionally and physically. It's real life and Jesus promised, "In this world you will have trouble, but I give you my peace, that where I am, there ye may also be."

His presence and peace...yes, that is where I'll end my post. Think on Him. 


  1. Never heard of pee shivers, but you're sure right about cancer. It's a wicked thing. Hope your back gets better without any serious intervention. There's always something, isn't there!

  2. We never used the word pee shivers. I hate cancer. I guess we hear about it more because probably not that long ago people died from some of these rarer types, but were never diagnosed. I hear about so many exceedingly rare types now. A friend of mine has cancer and there's only been less than 10000 cases of this type. That's a good verse to cling to. A reminder that this earth is not our home. I hope today is sunny in every sense of the word!

  3. We never used the word pee shivers. I hate cancer. I guess we hear about it more because probably not that long ago people died from some of these rarer types, but were never diagnosed. I hear about so many exceedingly rare types now. A friend of mine has cancer and there's only been less than 10000 cases of this type. That's a good verse to cling to. A reminder that this earth is not our home. I hope today is sunny in every sense of the word!

  4. I've never heard of pee shivers, but I do love how you Perfectly Personalized your Podge. :)

  5. Never, never heard of "pee shivers" in my life. Will remember that one for sure!

    I have so many friends touched by cancer and lost one of my dearest last year to the battle. LIfe is just so tough.

    Hoping you weekend puts a BIG smile on your face!

  6. Ugh - sorry, friend, just now catching up on my Hodgepodge posts and checking in with you... ugh, I am so filled with sadness for your recent losses, for your friend who is struggling so, and for not only your back problems, but having to deal with a faux painting project on top of it all - Come Lord Jesus, Come! (I'm not joking... I know how it all gets SO overwhelming... seriously, where would we be without God to hold us up and catch our tears?) Hang in there, dear friend...

  7. (And PS, though I have never heard of "pee shivers" I certainly knew exactly what she meant!)

  8. I am so sorry that you are hurting. I am sending hugs your way and hoping to give you a BIG HUG when I see you soon.

    I have never heard of pee shivers.

    I choose Pizza. I was in Chicago for the 4th of July weekend. I ate the best pizza of my life. I have pizza on my mind...

    "Rome was not built in a day" This was written in one of the classrooms in my Architecture School. Underneath, someone scribbled - "because of late submission"

    Hope you feel better soon.


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