Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Daybook Entry 11.4.14

Linking up today at The Simple Woman's blog . It's a helpful meme for handling the melting pot of life's internal and external happenings
when there's not enough to say (or too much to say) about any one single prompt .

November 4th, 2014

Outside my window...

I am thinking...  about how to save money for my dream machine. After a year (plus) of sewing to see if this hobby "sticks", I am confident that it borders on an addiction. I want a machine that can handle bigger quilts. 

I am thankful... that my friend Renee', although she is battling cancer and has been in and out of the hospital a LOT, has such a strong support system.

I am wearing... warm socks, blue jeans, and a navy blue V-neck sweater --along with my sticker that says "I VOTED".

I am creating...  
or rather, have created, seven doll quilts to send in shoeboxes to Operation Christmas Child. I made a coordinating pillow for each one. Here's the last one I finished on Sunday.  It's called "Kin and Barbie." 

The front and pillow: 
                                          The back. (All fabrics are by Riley Blake except the butterflies and black.)
I am going... to clean and do some laundry for my friend tomorrow before she gets home from the hospital.  I have a slight cold so don't want to risk being around her, but would love to give her place a "spiff and shine" before she comes home .

I am wondering... what my son's report card will say tomorrow. 

I am reading... The Bronze Bow , aloud with my son. Yes, he's in 7th grade and can read just fine alone, but I've never read this one and have always wanted to. 

I am hoping... that Jesus comes back very soon! 

I am learning... slowly, with piddly progress, how to make nice, mitered borders on quilts .  I've watched umpteen Youtube tutorials on the skill, but it's just not "clicking" with me. 

Around the house... I continue to go through things and get rid of what I don't use or love. We may sell this house next year and I certainly would love to have purged quite a bit of STUFF before putting it on the market. 

In the kitchen... are apples waiting for me to make a Jewish apple cake. 

I am pondering...  the brevity of life.

A favorite quote for today... "We're opportunity kind of kids," said the 3 year old girl that my daughter nannies of herself and Little Brother.

One of my favorite things... hearing the little girl I work with squeal with delight when she sees me walking up to her front door.  Last week I was five minutes later than usual (but still on time) and she said, "I was so sad, but now I'm HAPPEEEEE because you're here."

A few plans for this week: I got my hair cut  today which was at the top of my to-do list. (Yay!). I voted. Attend parent-teacher conferences. Get the oil changed in hubby's car. Visit my favorite 5, 3, and 1 year-olds. 

A peek into one of my days from last week... 

 Last week wasn't pretty. Overflowing toilets, rain and more rain, 
car repair shops. Who wants to see those?



  1. Making homemade doll quilts! Wow, that's so special!

    We've not started putting our Operation boxes together yet, but are doing one for a boy and girl.

    Any more thought as to facilitating a women's group that does service projects and is more outreached focused?

  2. You listed so much of my life! God bless you! I esp. loved these:
    I am reading... The Bronze Bow , aloud with my son. Yes, he's in 7th grade and can read just fine alone, but I've never read this one and have always wanted to.

    I am hoping... that Jesus comes back very soon!

    Bronze Bow was a Caldecott Winner, one of the only winning books that mention Christ and how lives can be changed.


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