Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Doll Quilt 2: Meet Me in the Middle

Yesterday I showed my first doll quilt of 2014 which was predominantly purple and white. I wanted each quilt to have a unique colorway, so for the second quilt I went with blue and yellow .

A simple pillow (5x3-ish) accompanies this queen size doll quilt  (approximately 18x18).

  •  What did I name the quilt?   Meet Me in the Middle
  •  Why? Because in the very center of the quilt is a blue scrap that says "Hawaii". I would love to meet someone there! Blue skies, golden sand.  Yeah, that's my style. 
  •  Who will receive this quilt?  Some little girl in a foreign country. 
  •  What inspired the fabric choices?   I was having the winter blues when I started it, and craving sunshine. Here in Maryland, the winter just never quit. Well, maybe by June .
  •  Which fabrics were Barbara's? All of them. 
  •  What is the name of pattern?  I'm not sure. I just put rail fence blocks together and made a framed rectangle in the middle. 
  •  What did I learn from making it?  Two things: (1) Don't use fabrics that you don't love or really, really like. I "settled" on some of these scraps out of thrift. Now I rate the fabrics in my stash on a 1-10 scale. I won't buy or use anything that isn't a 7 or higher on the "like" scale, unless I make something for an animal shelter.   (2) My first attempt at free motion quilting was pathetic.  But these doll quilts are for learning on and I learned that I needed a darning foot (which I eventually purchased) and a lot more practice. 
  •  When did I start the quilt and when did I finish it? February and June (?). I know it dragged on and on because I wasn't in love with it. But the beauty of a little project like this is that it can be finished quickly once the mind is made up to just do it.  

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! Me! Me! Me! Pick Me! I'll gladly meet you in the "middle" - Hawaii, wherever! :-) Beautiful quilt - we have a quilting guild that meets at our church and I am so blown away by what they create... truly incredible.


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