Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Spinning in the Hodgepodge

As Joyce, our meme hostess, packs boxes and seals them up tight for a big move, she has managed to pack a few more questions into this weekly box called the Hodgepodge. Let's "unpack" them,  shall we?

Okay, that was a very corny intro. Moving right along...
Get it...moving ...?

1. What's something you're looking forward to in the month of June? 

My sister and her family are coming from Texas and will land at my parents' on                                    Saturday night. I wish our place wasn't in remodeling disarray but, as the French say, "c'est la vie" ("that's life"). Also closing on our first rental property, moving our son and DIL into said rental, getting granite countertops for our own kitchen, plus being on the other side of big decisions like which flooring to choose.

2. In what way have you come full circle?

Oh, that sounds like a philosophical question. Do I have the brain cells on a rainy morning to philosophize?  I'll have to take a RAINcheck on that question, Joyce.

3. Lonely Planet lists 10 spots in America you should see in 2015 and the reasons why. How many on the list have you seen? Which one on the list would you most like to see? 

Queens NY, Western South Dakota, New Orleans, Colorado River Region, North Conway NH, Indianapolis IN, Greenville SC, Oakland CA, Duluth MN, and the Mount Shasta Region CA

I've seen Queens and Indianapolis.  I'd love to see the Colorado River Region the most on that list, and also Greenville when Joyce's house on the lake is built. To meet another  bloggy friend in person for the first time is on my must-do list.

4. A song that describes your mood right now?

For title alone, "Spinning Wheel."

5. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry short cake, strawberry pie, or strawberries right off the vine...your favorite?

Talk about hard choices!    It's like being asked to pick my favorite child (of whom I also have four!).
I guess if you put a dessert cart in front of me with these four to choose from, I'd reach for the strawberry short cake (but the ice cream would be melting away while I decided).

6. Aesop's birthday is celebrated on June 4th, although there is some disagreement as to whether or not that's accurate, or if he was even a real person. Regardless, the name Aesop is associated to this day with many well known fables. Which of the following best applies to something in your life right now? The Tortoise and the Hare(Slow and Steady wins the race), The Ant and the Grasshopper (Be prepared), The Fox and the Goat (Look before you leap) or The Crow and the Pitcher (Necessity is the mother of invention)?

Tortoise and the Hare applies in a most apropos way to our kitchen remodel. My hubby is doing the work himself and he also has a full-time job, so evenings and weekends are when the work gets done.

7. The answer is yes...what's the question?

Are we thanking God over and over and over for sparing the life of my friend's little 2-year-old boy named Marshall?

At a huge--as in very crowded graduation/birthday celebration at their backyard pool on Sunday,  while his mom's back was turned, Marshall nearly drowned.  They're not sure how long he was under water, but a young teenage friend named Daniel rescued him and is credited with saving his life. Tests at Hopkins ER came back perfectly normal!

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Please pray for another young  boy,  3 years old, who is related to a friend's friend.  The little boy darted in front of the tractor that his grandfather was driving.  The grandfather accidentally ran over him, it happened so fast. 
The boy was not killed, his organs spared, but suffered mutilation of some limbs.  The boy is in physical agony with wounds and shredded skin. The mother is in agony watching him suffer. And the grandfather has said that if the boy dies, he will kill himself.  Please pray for them all! 


  1. Oh my! You have a lot of things going on!
    So sad to hear about the little boy who was injured in the tractor accident. I'll definitely add the family to my prayers.

  2. Oh my, so tragic! I will pray for the family. My heart breaks for them all, particularly the grandfather. I will be in Northeast Friday night Father's Day weekend...just sayin' : )

  3. Oh my! The poor grandfather - what guilt he feels! I pray it can be lifted from him... and that he and his grandson find healing. When I was about 10 a younger cousin of mine was killed in a similar manner. But he was riding/standing on the tractor with his mother. They were farmers - so not that unusual. He slipped off and she ran over him. Died instantly. Tragic. Let's pray for comfort for all who suffer from life-changing accidents!

  4. The kitchen remodel sounds great! And I'm sure the family visit will be wonderful fun regardless of the state of the house ;)

  5. I actually laughed out loud at 'unpack' and 'moving right along.' ha ha I'm excited to watch the kitchen progress!
    Such tragic news about the little boy. I will pray for them all.

  6. What an awful accident to happen. I hope the little boy makes a good recovery but not an easy thing for the grandfather to come to terms with. Hope the work keeps progressing steadily.

  7. What an awful accident to happen. I hope the little boy makes a good recovery but not an easy thing for the grandfather to come to terms with. Hope the work keeps progressing steadily.

  8. Oh, granite choices, probably one of my hardest decisions, outside of which windows. Enjoy your sisters visit and do keep us posted on this child. My goodness, that is worse than awful!!!!


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