Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Girl is Back in Town

My daughter is back home!!! Yay!!! She flew in last night from Florida. She needed family time in the worst way, having been away since August (my birthday, to be exact). Not to mention she was in a four-car crash a month ago and has been in pain, wanting her mama.  Her Hyundai Santa Fe was totaled when a bike flew off the back of Car 1's bike rack,  causing a chain reaction of braking.  She looked and looked for a replacement without going into debt. No success, since Florida has outrageous fees attached to the selling price.

So we decided as her parents who also have a Santa Fe, to sell her ours IF and only if we could find one with half the miles for a fair price. The Lord answered that prayer in perfect timing for all of us. Today my daughter and I have the great pleasure of chatting while sitting at the MVA taking care of title transfer, tags, and all that hoo-ha that everyone just looks forward to, especially on Thanksgiving Eve.  We'll kill two birds with the proverbial one stone since I need to register our new Santa Fe while I'm there. May as well, right?

Also getting the tires rotated because...because...they need it...and because

I'm driving back to Florida with her on Friday!! Woop woop! A mother-daughter road trip!  And she lives a mile from the beach so she told me to bring my bathing suit. Um, no thank you. I'll put my feet in the sand and gaze out onto the Gulf of Mexico, but not taking the suit. It's 37 degrees here and I'm wearing two layers plus slippers!

She's so excited for me meet the family she lives with. Julie has become Sarah's closest friend and mentor. Sarah has been helping her with the new baby plus the older two girls (2 and 4) because there is no family around and they are brand new to the area as of August. It's a win-win.

This afternoon we are also going for much-needed massages .And she wants a crab cake while in Maryland. It's a must-eat when you're a native Baltimorean.

So, no Hodgepodge for me today. The questions pique my interest as always, but I just need to do other things. My girl just got out of the shower so now it's on to the glorious destination known as the Motor Vehicle Administration.

With a visit to her grandparents' house later while I take the car in for that tire rotation, she'll make them happy with her presence, if only for a brief hour.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Be thankful. We are so abundantly blessed!!


  1. What adventures our kids have! Isn't it wonderful that we hear about them after the fact!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Catching up a bit on my blog reader this morning. I'm so happy you had time with your daughter. I totally get that having your girl home can make even a trip to the DMV pleasant.


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