Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Greening of the Hodgepodge

Thanks to Joyce for hosting this  pre-Saint Patty's Day party affectionately called the Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. What do you think about luck?

My philosophy based on holy scriptures is that all things are ordered by God, nothing is random, and therefore there's no such thing as luck. Mathematics (from what I'm told) will show how probability works, if you're looking for proof.  Some people who appear to be "lucky" have either been born into homes where there are more opportunities, or they've worked hard to overcome obstacles to success, or a number of other factors, but the bottom line is that God controls it all. 

2. Not counting your own backyard, what's a favorite green space in your town, city, or state?

There's a mountain view in western Maryland that I look forward to seeing every time we travel that direction. It's breathtaking. Lush and green in spring and summer, an explosion of color in the fall, a symphony in white in winter.  

3. How do you make your life more complex than it needs to be?

By overthinking or by not thinking at all.  "Analysis paralysis" has hampered progress when a simple "yes" or "no" could serve the situation under examination. On the other hand, my impulsiveness has caused many a snare that could have been avoided had I just taken a few moments to consider the consequences.

4. I read here the three places you should visit with friends. They are-New York City, Hawaii, and Amsterdam (rent a bike, walk along the canal, visit one of their world class museums). I felt the need to expound on that one. Moving on...Of the three places listed which would you most like to visit with friends? What's one place not on the list you think should be visited with friends?

I'd be most likely to visit NYC (again) with friends because it's only a four hour drive from home.
I'd most like to visit Amsterdam with friends.
A place not on the list that I think should be visited with friends? Estes Park, Colorado. On horseback

5. What's the last live performance you saw? On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being best) how would you rate it?

Last week our upper school performed three vignettes: The Importance of Being Earnest; a scene from Anne of Green Gables; and You Can't Take it With You.  This performance I'd give a 7. 

6. March 14th is National Potato Chip Day. Are you a fan? Your favorite flavor? Besides potato, what's your favorite chip type of snack?

I like potato chips, but wouldn't call myself a fan, per se.  I mean, I rarely crave them and I don't stick them in my grocery cart unless hubby has requested.  My favorite chip snack would be Ritz crackers.

7.What rule is most important in your home?

Do not wake the Sleeping Mother!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Hallelujah! Sophia is coming home today! This baby with brain cancer has defied the odds. Doctors predicted a month ago that she probably wouldn't survive emergency brain surgery .Or wake up. Or breathe on her own. Or respond to any stimuli except pain.  Or regain her gag reflex in order to eat. But she can breathe without oxygen . She is grunting when her parents touch her. She suddenly stretched and woke up when her daddy was praying over her last week. She showed a trace of stubbornness when her mom tried to put some soft food in her mom--she bit her lip to prevent that. Granted, her parents want their Sophia back the way she was--happy, lively, giggly--but they are beyond grateful to be taking their baby home instead of planning her funeral. 


  1. Hi, I'm visiting from the Hodgepodge. I love, love, love your most important rule in the house! Great news about the sick baby...lots of prayers answered!

  2. Such amazing news about baby Sophia...goes to prove the POWER of prayer!

  3. I'm so happy to hear the wonderful news regarding baby Sophia! I like your rule : )

  4. Stopping in from Hodge Podge and loved you House Rule....

  5. I would love to be only 4 hours from NYC. I love it! Amazing news for Sophia. Happy weekend!

  6. like your rule, lol praise God regarding your random thought.

  7. It is wonderful news that Sophia will be home soon. Did you make her a quilt? I have something in mind for her. Let's talk. It has been ages.
    Sending hugs and best wishes to you and yours,


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