Saturday, February 17, 2007

Enter Into His Courts with Praise

Yes, I enter God's courts with praise. This season I've also been entering into the rec council's basketball courts with praise. Here's why.


  1. Dear Zoanna, I just spent a moment reading Kidbits before going to bed, and I was very moved by the reading. This reminded me that maybe you had no time to read my blog on friday, when I was explaining that we often travel just by eating foreign recipes and follow foreign traditions. For instance today for our Sunday lunch, which also celebrated our oldest son's birthday (31) we began with a chinese First course, because it was Chinese New Year, and my grand daughter had made a little pig in bread for each guest, because it's the year of the pig. On friday I also wrote how every year for 20 years we have been celebrating the jewish Passover meal (seder) with a Christian emphasis on the meaning. Often we invite friends for the meal. I wish a blessed week to all your family. I'm astonished by the large screen of you TV. Is this the verage way of life for a common family?

  2. Renee, what a creative way to celebrate the Chinese New Year. I wish I would have thought of that. Best I did was email my friend Shaorong after reading your comment! We have been celebrating Jesus our Passover for years, too, just our little family, but recently have joined with Messianics at my parents' church to celebrate which is all the more meaningful, complete with the blowing of the shofar and the dancing afterward! About the TV, it is above average in size. This size is getting more popular, but it was, by far, a splurge. My hubby almost NEVER buys something for himself, he is such a saver. I am not the TV buff in the house, so it didn't matter to me. The trade-off is, often Paul folds laundry while watching Saturday shows! Heehee, works for me!


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