Monday, February 19, 2007

Quiz Your Honey

My friend Kathy wrote an article with a quiz on our church's website under "Chick Chat." (Sidenote: my husband appears on that site's header, playing guitar. We have a dispute over who the other guy is. Josh or Jason? Someone please settle it for us, will you?)

Anyway, thought it'd be fun to take the quiz myself, and maybe tonight (if there's no basketball on) ask Paul his preferences. After 20 years of marriage, we still surprise each other by answering differently than the other one assumed. A few years ago, my friend Sandy made a list of over 20 questions for her hubby, Sal, not just about date night preferences but about things like "what is the ideal setting for you when you get home from work?" She thought it was a hot meal on the table. It wasn't. They had been married over 30 years! So, anyway, I'm gonna answer what my own date night preferences are, and then what I think his are. Then I'll get his real answers, if I can.

A Quiz to Find Out What He Likes

1. Would you rather be
a. surprised with an evening out
b. be picked up with no plan for the evening, just spontaneity
c. have planned together what activity you will be doing

MYSELF: A Mix of B and C. I love when he calls from work and says, "I was thinking we could go out for dinner tonight?" Almost 99% of the time I say, "AWww, that's great! Just the two of us, or the kids, too?" and when he says, "Just us," I feel like a high school girl all over again, planning what I'll wear and all that. HIM: Same, I'd say, cuz he does this fairly often.

2. When thinking of a fun day activity, what type of activity most appeals to you:
a. going for a walk around a lake
b. spending the day antiquing together
c. going to a movie

ME? B. LOVE shopping together for anything but clothes or electronics. I used to love antiques. Guess now that I'm nearly an antique myself, I prefer newer stuff. Going for walks happens in my fantasies. In real life, it takes me 3 steps per every one of his, so it's very sanctifying for both of us. I don't really like to be sanctified on dates, just wooed and wowed.
HE likes to go a LOWE's or Home Depot after dinner, usually for very practical reasons. "Need lightbulbs and furnace filters." Funny, you don't hear stuff like that when you're dating.But I love knowing that we share a home and a life where lightbulbs and furnace filters are part of life, and that he's always thinking ahead about things like that. He may not be the most romantic guy on earth, but he can sure turn me on with a trip to a DIY store, let me tell ya. :)
HIS ANSWER? (Again, this is a guess): None of the above. As I said, (A) is too sanctifying (B) spending the day spending money is bad enough, spending a day just thinking about spending money is the worst. A movie? He always says, "We'll wait till it comes out on DVD, then rent it at Redbox." (Do you see a pattern here?) He likes to be able to fast forward through the sex scenes, adjust the volume on the dialogue, replay confusing parts, etc. I usually fall asleep,except during tearjerkers or chick flicks, neither of which he'll spend more than a buck on.

3. What would be the most romantic dinner setting for you:
a. a picnic by a lake
b. an elegant dinner
c. a pizza parlor
d. a meal made at home
WHY? ME? (B) for sure. HIM? Same. WE both love restaurants. I am not at all wild about picnics. They're just a lot of work to pack, then you sit on the ground by a water feature where there's no bathrooms in sight (ie fit for a lady) , I'm lactose intolerant and pizza sauce gives him heartburn so we're not big pizza fans anymore. (D) Making a meal at home? I love to cook, but he always makes fun of my candlelight attempts. One time when were newlyweds, I had candles lit all over the house when he came home. He walks in and says, "You holding a seance, or what?" I burst into tears, blew out every candle, threw on the lights, and went to McDonald's. Without him.

And just for fun:
4. What way do you prefer to be flirted with most?
a. verbally
b. non-verbally (gestures and looks)
c. in writing
ME? I like to flirt with him with words. LOVE to flirt with him because he blushes so easily, is innocent as a schoolboy with his response, and rolls his eyes as if to say, "Will you ever change?" For example, last month I ran out of perfume and was on the hunt for a new one. He is very hard to please aromatically; most fragrances repulse him or give him a headache. So when I found one I like that I thought he'd also like (called Chill, by Curve), I sprayed it on at the store, came home and wrapped my arms around him from behind as he read the newspaper on the sofa. Sarah was on the laptop in the nearby chair. I said to Paul (should have whispered but didn't), "What do you think of this perfume, sweetie? Doesn't it just make you wish the kids weren't home?" He rolled his eyes, smiled sheepishly, and gave silent approval. Sarah said, "You're disgusting, Mom."

HIM? He will deny till his grave that he likes my flirtatious verbal and nonverbal overtures. They are reserved for him alone, and he's just gonna have to live with it. Can I help it God made me so affectionate????? :)

Consider yourself tagged if you've read this.


  1. That's Mr. Jason, not Mr. Josh...

  2. I agree, Sarah! ;)

  3. Zoanna, thanks for tagging me for your last meme (posted on BTW). I'm glad you finally told me about it. For some reason, I missed it the first time around! I put up my version of your quiz on my blog last night.


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