Tuesday, March 06, 2007

From Blog Fest to Blog Fast

Time for me to fast from blogging again. It has become, yet again, what I want to do more often than what I should do with God's time.

I need grace, for sure. I am not one of those people who can just "sign off" and that's that.
You may pray for me in this area, that God will increase my desire for what's important to Him, not what's fun for me. In and of itself blogging is not evil. We all know that. But like anything else, it can crowd out or muffle the still, small voice of God. I have felt my passion for spiritual things waning this week. My prayer life has resembled the local fast-food drive thru. I "pull up" to God and say, "Yes, hi, I'd like a combo of peace, joy, and love. Hold the suffering. I'd also like a cup of water, no ice, please, and a large bank account to cover whatever I don't have the faith to ask for right now. "

I much prefer meeting Him for a long, relaxed breakfast over coffee, where He is ordering my steps, not vice versa.

Blogging interferes with that kind of communion, in my world.

I plan to return to posting and commenting after a four-day fast.
Toodle-oo, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. (((Zo))) I know what you mean. I need to be careful about my blog time too, which is why I tend to blog only once or twice a week. I deplore it, but difficult as it may be, we do need to establish priorities.
    Yet, as you say, that is not easy. I'll be praying that you recover your precious communion with God.

    You have such a knack for eloquent metaphors. Sometimes I think you could write a book about your relationship with Christ. It is so rich and diverse, and alive - and you write so beautifully, and tellingly.

    I wanted to tell you that I finally started reading the wonderful book you gave me last year - Beloved Disciple. I want to read a bit of it at least every other day. I love the way it is written and put together.
    If you could read French, I would send you a book that played an important part in my catechumenate (we talked about it during our bi-weekly meetings). It is called Les Marcheurs de Dieu. You can see it here. Oh, I should read it again, and have Seb read it!

    You'll be in my fond thoughts and prayers. Hugs!


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