Thursday, March 08, 2007

I said I Wouldn't, But--

This is a prayer request . The mom in me can't help but ask.

Ben went snowboarding with Stephen and Allan yesterday. It was Stephen's very first time and I was very concerned (had to repent of worry) for him. He has a track record for breaking bones. I told Ben to keep a close eye on him. I also told Ben to be careful. "You don't have to worry about me, Mom. I won't get hurt."

"OH, you're omniscient and invincible?" I asked.

"Okay, well, I don't think I'll get hurt. And don't worry about Stephen. He'll spend the whole time on his butt." (That kind of brotherly love is common around here.)

Allan drove, at my request, since Ben usually offers to drive friends places (near and far) and has put a lot of miles on the car we let him drive.

Well, they got home right at 9 per my request. Ben was hurt. He could barely walk down our snowy driveway, let alone manage the steps without great pain. I asked him what happened.

"I did a fun box and landed really, really hard on my hip. I think it's out of joint or something. This is the worst pain I've ever been in. I wanted to cry when it happened. "

"Did you cry?"


I helped him settle in bed with a pillow between his knees. I offered to pray for him, he accepted, and then added that a back rub would help him get to sleep. Even when they're 6'7" they still look pitiful and helpless when they're in such pain.

This morning he was still shuffling his feet and asking what kind of doctor he should see.

I still don't understand how "fun box" and "landed really hard" go together, but suffice it to say that Ben has either a hip out of socket, a hip flexor sprain/severe tear, or something else going on. He did drive to school today to in case the English teacher popped a quiz, plus he has a macro midterm at 12:45.

Please pray for:
1 )wisdom as we discern whether to take him to a doctor or take a wait-and-see approach
2) surefootedness--that he won't slip on any ice at school which would be a HUGE mistake
3) reduced pain
4) his ability to concentrate thru the pain during his exam today. It's a class in his major (business).
5) me--that I won't baby him too much but will serve my BIGGEST "baby."

PS Stephen was fine. Sore, but fine!


  1. I'll pray for your Ben, Zo. By all means, go to see a doctor. Ben is a tough cookie - if he complains that much, there's definitely something wrong with his hip. I'll pray.

  2. Ah, snowboarding! Something about it is worth the pain! :) But I'll be praying Ben's pain goes away soon and nothing's been damaged too badly.


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