Saturday, March 10, 2007

In a Sewing Mood

Seeing fellow bloggers' new pillows (Ashleigh and Beth Y) makes me want to freshen up the look of my family room with throw pillows. I am a theme person. Everything has a theme in my mind. What's wrong with me? Can't I think outside the theme? Anyway, as I was pondering what sort of pillow collection to make, I thought of my love for all things global or international. I started realizing I would really like to make 7 pillows, one to represent each continent. Question is, how to pull them together chromatically? The color of my walls is sage green, trim is white. Sofa, leather rocker and (stupid) Ikea chair (which I long to toss to the basement but my family's butting heads with me)--are all tan/beige. I want to take down the outdated vertical blinds on the sliding glass doors and make an upholstered cornice over a cellular shade that's up during the day for beautiful views, down at night for privacy. The cornice would have to be echoed in the adjacent kitchen since it's all one big space.

So, international pillows. I need your help. Here's where my mind goes when I think color schemes of the continents:
North America--Americana, Canadian maple leaf
South America-- vibrant jewel tones.
Europe--French toile and Battenburg lace
Asia -Chinese red silk
Australia-? khaki and crikey!
Africa- animal prints
Antarctica-pure white

Got ideas?


  1. I'm going to be honest because I figure that's best! I really wouldn't go with a "theme" rather stick with a "scheme". If you really, really must have a theme, you definitely want it all to flow and maple leaves, toile and chinese patterns don't scream flow to me. It seems like a good idea in theory, and if you can make it flow, you will do me proud and probably prove me wrong :-)

  2. I am leaning more against the idea too. I think maybe find a global fabric that fits your color scheme, and cut the fabric in such a way that each continent is centered on a pillow. If you do that, then you get your 7 pillow with the 7 continents, but with something that fits your color scheme.

  3. I must confess, Zo, I agree with Beth. Those would probably clash and may not make for a harmonious, cosy ensemble.

    I'm not too fond of reducing a whole continent to a single representative item (or a couple of them), but that's an ideological question, not an aesthetic one! LOL

    How about going for one theme at a time, and change it as you are inclined and as time allows to create more sets. I'm sure you'll come up with something great.

    Speaking of pillows - I didn't come back to you regarding my boutique. All the prices and shipping fees are stated in every item's description. I'd be glad to get a custom order from you - but I know you are saving for your mission trip, so don't feel in the least that you have to.

    Have a sweet Sunday! Hope Ben is better.

  4. Any update on how Ben is doing?

  5. I am not at all surprised no one really thought the idea would work. However,I am not giving up. I do like anonymous's suggestion (wish I knew who you were). I may end up doing something like that and stick with a color scheme. For example, can anyone agree that red toile, American red, and Chinese red COULD be pulled together if tempered with tans and greens in the details of buttons, tassels, borders? We'll see. MOre than 80 percent of my ideas end up on the scrap heap anyway.
    Tori, thanks for asking abot Ben. He's doing much better .A PT friend saya unless he has stabililty problems, he's probabl okay w/o xray. His pain level is 2 out of 10.

  6. I hear buttons, tassels and borders and I want to tell you "don't do it!". I think instead of themes you need to go with color schemes. I think you'll get sick of it. I'm not shooting down your idea at all, I just think you'll be ready for a change sooner than later.

  7. I thrive on change. It's part of my nature. I'll go with a color scheme a(jsut havent' narrowed it yet) nd be true somehow to my love of fabrics that remind me of other countries. How's that?

  8. I think that's a great idea, Zo.
    I would love to contribute to your project by sending you some fabric from my country.

    As you said before, red may well be the best option to coordinate all the continents. A deep, burgundy red would go well with your tan/beige, I believe, and with the sage green. Rich and welcoming, as is your nature, Zo. So many possibilities.

    I don't understand how a colour scheme and buttons/tassels/borders are incompatible... Not sure I understand what you mean here, Beth?
    Coordinated buttons/tassels/whatnots could be beautiful, IMHO - and indeed may help pick up a guiding colour for all the pillows. If all the pillows blend well with that colour, chances are, they may blend well with each other? (OK, and I love tassels).

  9. I am heading to JoAnn's-- if not today, then tomorrow. It's a baby step, and hey--ANY step in JoAnn's is a happy one for me. ANd I'm with you, Isabelle, on the buttons and tassels things. Just a few things to play with as an adult.
    Of course too much of a good thing is never cool, but we're talking personal taste here, and I like a few fun things to look at and play with amidst the right angles and edges of a room. When I get tired of playing with them, I can just chuck 'em and start over. For less than ten bucks per pillow plus a couple years of fun, it's worth it to me.'

    Please don't send fabric, Isabelle.
    I appreciate the offer but the things you've sent me are on display in my home already. I think of you and France daily because of them! As for music, I'm up for any kind of change. Just not opera. It ain't my style.


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