Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Answering Bri's Tag

. Where do you work? I don't. I goof off all day, every day.

2. What color are your socks right now? Which socks? I have lots of them, but no two that like to spend time together.

3.What are you listening to right now? Joel strumming his dad's electric guitar and saying, "Ya like that sound, Mom?"

4. What was the last thing that you ate? chicken and dumplins.

5. Can you drive a stick shift? Oh, yeah. Nothing like it.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? fire engine red

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Sandy Barranco. Around noon.

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Of course!

9. How old are you today? 41.75

10. Favorite drink? Dunkins Original Blend with CoffeeMate Hazelnut creamer anytime; when I'm hot, ice cold water or my daughter's Southern swate tay

11. What is your favorite sport to watch? lacrosse

12. Have you ever dyed your hair? Twice. Not fond of the result either time.

13. Any pets? One Golden Retriever named Molly.

14. Favorite food? Just one? Let me make it a combo: an appetizer of nachos with all the toppings, Beef Burguday over garlic mashed potatoes, a side salad of Romaine hearts wtih bacon, mushroom and honey dijon dressing homemade, Sandy Browne's Apple Crumble with Breyer's or Edy's real vanilla ice cream or ROY's chocolate lava souffle.

15. What was the last movie you watched? Amazing Grace. I'm so not a movie buff.

16. Favorite day of the year? Easter Sunday

17. What do you do to vent anger? Same as Bri, who said, "Oh, not anything productive or God-glorifying most of the time: throw things, hit things, slam dishes, doors, yell. Occasionally, I'll clean like a crazy woman". But I will add to that my other ways of venting: I have been known to drive to Arbutus at midnight with less than 1/8 of a tank of gas. I have called Barb to ask her to meet me at the airport in 4 hours. But often I cry when I can't stands no mo'. Sometimes I cuss.

18. Favorite childhood toy? Barbies (and Ken). We always had lik 12 Barbies and one Ken. What was up with that? He had a tan,decent muscles, and thick hair but absolutely no skills or money. Not exactly who I'd pick to woo me in my 40s.

19. Cherries or Blueberries? bing cherries picked right off a Kansas tree; blueberries in muffins or pie or on top of Grape Nuts with yogurt

20. Do you want your friends to post this? Pretty please?

21. Who is most likely to respond? Most people I know have already done this.

22. Who is least likely to respond? Laurie

23. Living arrangements? house on a slope in the burbs with hubby and 4 wonderful kids and a big old lovey dovey dog

24. When was the last time you cried? last week remembering an old wound

25. What is on the floor of your closet? less than the last time I answered this question, but still more than there oughta be

26. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? Barb in KS is the friend I've had longest. Barb, if you're reading this, figure out how to register on Blogger and do this!!! You have every talent know to man or woman. If you can gut a deer when you're 7 months pregnant, you can figure out Blogger.

27. What did you do last night? Fell asleep on the sofa at 7 pm after getting home from a day of service at the GAiN warehouse with the CDS.

28. Favorite smells: gasoline, rubber, horse sweat, baby's nursey milky breath, apple pie with cinnamon, Downy fresh laundry, my husband, most men's cologne, mown grass, sawdust, vanilla candles, a crackling bonfire, a swimming pool, and much more...

29. What do you regret the most in life? the years between 14 and 20.

30. What are you most afraid of? Alzheimer's, if it made me forget God and all His benefits.

31. What are your favorite types of hamburgers? charbroiled on the 4th of July

32. Favorite breed of dog? Goldens

33. Number of keys on your key ring? 1

34. How many years at your current job? 21.5

35. Favorite day of the week? Sunday

36. Which states have you lived in? Maryland, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Missouri

37. Favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving. Lots of people, lots of food, lots of good memories, lots of thanks, no obligatory gift giving

38. Ever driven a Motorcycle or heavy machinery? Does a vacuum cleaner count as heavy machinery?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are sooooo funny, I love it!!

Betty G